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Date Posted: 10:56:00 04/30/02 Tue
Author: Sandy G
Subject: Re: E-Script Monies
In reply to: John R. Beatty PTA President & Vice President 's message, "Re: E-Script Monies" on 18:28:21 04/29/02 Mon

Alot of work goes into running a pta and maybe if there is a need for more help there should be something sent home with the children specifying your needs. This would be an effective way to get the word out instead of asking just "asking around" for volunteers. There are plenty of us parents who work differnt shifts who can't always help out during the school day but are still caring and concerned parents!

Taken from the national pta site, I've found pertinent and reliable information about exactly what parent involvement and the pta role in the school should be. I'm not trying to criticise, because I know alot of work is done by the pta, but I also am disturbed that the funds that belong to our school are being distributed to charities and needy families when I thought that fund raising money goes directly towards the children at our school. It's nice to raise money for the needy but if that's the case then we should have a fund raiser specifically for that cause, such as the penny drive we are having right now.

The pta role is to identify and respond to issues of interest to parents. To be an advocate for the children, especially when there are problems. I see the pta responding defensively and not acknowledging that there are existing problems that they should address in addition to the fund raising activities.

At the old school I moved from there was a proactive pta that took care of their school and any pta member could bring up a subject of concern, albeit some subjects are more uncomfortable than others. If we work together to make a change and get more parents involved by just communicating, there would be a step in the right direction. This school does not seem to communicate and things are passed along by word of mouth. It can be better and only the parents have that power, if they speak up.

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