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Date Posted: 16:48:49 04/25/02 Thu
Author: Ladybug
Subject: P.E. policies

Why is it that every year around April and May we seem to have to reestablish the P.E. policies with regard to our desert climate? Either some staff members have very short memories or the administration is not comunicating with them. As a parent, I shouldn't have to explain the importance of my child drinking plenty of water and staying out of the intense sun as our weather reaches the extremes. Every year though, it is the same thing. I see students doing laps on the hot asphalt during the hottest part of the school day and then only being allowed a short two or three second drink of water. This year my student was told by a staff member that if she brings a water bottle, them she will only have to go to the bathroom. Once again, I feel as though I am battling with the staff over whether or not my child should be allowed to bring a water bottle to P.E. Excuse me, but hasn't this already been established. Like every year since we went year round. Once again though, I am geared up and ready, with the office phone number in hand, to let them know it's that time of year again.

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