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Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

Matt Munn
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Date Posted: 00:43:35 05/06/02 Mon
In reply to: Alonda Tann 's message, "Why can't we all just get along?" on 10:28:15 05/03/02 Fri

I agree with you Alonda. I think that we all need to practice a little humility, and be conscious of how we express our views. Saying something the wrong way can have some really ill effects, often contrary to what our intentions may be. For example, if I believe that eating pork is an abomination in the eyes of God, according to my religious beliefs, I shouldn't go around calling those who eat pork "dirty pig eating heathens". I can express my beliefs in a less offensive way. Also, when it comes to judging others based on biblical laws in general, I (personally) think we ought to be careful of what we decide to claim as being ACTUAL LAWS OF GOD and not traditional laws of the society from which the book was written. Think about it. The same way one man wants to condemn homosexuals, another man can go around condemning women who speak out in church, or slaves who don't "obey their earthly masters", or people who don't practice keeping the seventh-day sabbath (which is Saturday) holy. I think that if we all REALLLY understood and REALLLLY EXPERIENCED the TRUTH of GOD, we would be so spiritually advanced that all of this damning to hell and do's and don'ts stuff would seem very absurd and pointless.

"You read the manual, but you didn't understand..."
-Li Mu Bai, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

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[> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 13:18:56 05/06/02 Mon

Let me tell you what I have a problem with...I have a problem with people who claim to be Christians and don't read the bible and don't do any anything that has to do with exalting the name of Jesus Christ. Then they claim that they have their own ideas about the bible, yet they have no idea what the bible says. (Contrary to popular belief, John 3:16 is not the only scripture in the bible.)Interpretation is one thing, but the bible has clear stances on homosexuality, premarital sex, and sexual immorality in general. As far as the variety show is concerned, what was said is the biblical truth. The bible says, we must walk as Christ did. Christ was sinless, blameless and he had a love for all people, yes. And that's how Christians strive to be. No man is perfect but with the help of Jesus Christ, we can do all things. The problem with some Christians is that they tend to think that the bible does not apply to them and so they make up their own inerpretations that are not even scriptually accurate and trick themselves into a lie of "I have my own ides about God" when in actuality, Christ says "I am the way, the truth, and the light and no man can see the father but through me," PERIOD. This means having a relationship with Christ based on scripture. It's not the homosexual person that the Chritstian biblically disapproves of, but a Satan inspired perverted lifestyle, which in many cases, like any sin, the person cannot control. They need to confess these transgressions to Christ to be forgiven and delivered, meaning acknowledging something isn't right and seeking Christ to help them make a change. Concerning going around and spreading "our views", it's called witnessing and everything we say can be backed up by the bible, word for word. And it's done out of LOVE so that our brothers and sisters can also experience the peace and joy we feel as Christians. Because we know that if everyone came to Christ, we WOULD all "just get along".

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