Afrikan Lion
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Date Posted: 10:40:43 05/08/02 Wed
Greetings in the name of His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassie the First....Rastafari!!! Psychology....give thanks for the science. That is correct...and a very valid point. We should be wary of the western Christian shitstem and everything that came out of Paul, for he must be a corrupter. Knowing history of the Catholic faith and it's founding shows its pagan ways. First, the city of the Vatican, in which the Pope is the only remaining absolute monarch, was built over the grave site of this "apostle" Paul. The position of the sanctuary in their cathedral is directly over the burial place of Paul, and in fact, when clergy is concecrated and ordained they lay prostrate over what is supposedly the exact spot of Paul's bones, claiming to draw power from Paul. Most of their religious holidays are pagan holidays. Emanuel (Jesus) was born in a warm summer month, yet Christians celebrate his birth on the pagan's "winter solstice." As a matter of fact, Jesus - the Greko-Roman name for Jashua/Emanuel is a pagan name, combining the greko-roman gods Jupiter and Zeus. Easter, was named for Ester, the mother of wholatry (sp?) - prostitution. The two symbols of easter prove this, the rabbit and the egg. Rabbits reproduce at a rapid rate and the egg of course breeds life. Both represent fertility, or Spring Fever (where Christians - pagans go wild having rampant sexual intercourse with whoever, and whatever they feel. Now , to feel the first post, I say yes, the mess should be the message, and that's proved to work....look at Malcolm for startes, his mess was the message. And, his message was upful. Yet, I an I must be wary when accepting what's happened waaaay past, in His Story. That's why events repeat that we can see the message first hand, or at least so near in the past that it's not too distorted. Yet, we see how the beast distorts even that....look at what they did to our messengers, Marcus, Malcolm, Martin, Muhammad Ali, etc, etc, etc...they destroy them....then exalt them they way they wanna have them remembered. Like fools we accept their acknowledgement as some kind of warm gesture that..."look, we have made progress." then people get complacent...thus killing the message that the mess of the persons life was caused to deliver. By acknowledging their holiday's in "honor" of the fallen soldiers of OUR army, we kill the movement. We kill their message, and we dishonor their lives. We must overstand the western Christian overstand it fully, we must acknowledge that there are two different religions called that originated in Afrika, Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity...which sprung from the true Zion, and birthplace of Emanuel. We must overstand that as with civilization and religion was stolen from Egypt, and tweeked to do more evil, western Christianity was stolen from the Ethiopians and tweeked to do evil and misleed people. We as a people need to learn to seperate eastern and western religions. Even if something becomes our own...out of theirs, it is still stained with thier ideologies, and philosophies. We must begin to look completely to self, to find truth. Guidance and protection in life...which is the struggle. Jah love....
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