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Subject: Why can't we all just get along?

Alonda Tann
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Date Posted: 10:28:15 05/03/02 Fri

Recently I have seen a rather disturbing trend on this campus and thats people's attempts to impose their views on other people. What I have a hard time understanding is what makes people think their lifestyle makes them any better than the next man. I know everybody has their own beliefs as far as what they consider acceptable in the eyes of God, but the fact remains that we are all Gods children and as far as I'm concerned none of us can afford to judge. Secondly, I feel that the bible can be interpretated in many ways so what one person reads can be taken in a totally different way by the next. Those of you in attendence at the variety show know that their were some things said that didn't sit well with people and as far as homosexuality is concerned I can honestly say that some of the most truthfull, grounded, secure, and humble people I have encountered throughout my life are gay or lesbian. On the other hand, I have encountered many who claim to be Christian but the things they do outside of the church woulg be considered far from Godly. Basically what I want to know is why we can't just be respectful of other people despite the lifestyle they choose (for lack of a better word). We don't have to agree with what they do but we need to at least be cordial. We are always talking about making our community stronger but until we can unite and see beyond our individual differences it will continue to be just talk and no positive change will ever come about!

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[> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

Matt Munn
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Date Posted: 00:43:35 05/06/02 Mon

I agree with you Alonda. I think that we all need to practice a little humility, and be conscious of how we express our views. Saying something the wrong way can have some really ill effects, often contrary to what our intentions may be. For example, if I believe that eating pork is an abomination in the eyes of God, according to my religious beliefs, I shouldn't go around calling those who eat pork "dirty pig eating heathens". I can express my beliefs in a less offensive way. Also, when it comes to judging others based on biblical laws in general, I (personally) think we ought to be careful of what we decide to claim as being ACTUAL LAWS OF GOD and not traditional laws of the society from which the book was written. Think about it. The same way one man wants to condemn homosexuals, another man can go around condemning women who speak out in church, or slaves who don't "obey their earthly masters", or people who don't practice keeping the seventh-day sabbath (which is Saturday) holy. I think that if we all REALLLY understood and REALLLLY EXPERIENCED the TRUTH of GOD, we would be so spiritually advanced that all of this damning to hell and do's and don'ts stuff would seem very absurd and pointless.

"You read the manual, but you didn't understand..."
-Li Mu Bai, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

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[> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 13:18:56 05/06/02 Mon

Let me tell you what I have a problem with...I have a problem with people who claim to be Christians and don't read the bible and don't do any anything that has to do with exalting the name of Jesus Christ. Then they claim that they have their own ideas about the bible, yet they have no idea what the bible says. (Contrary to popular belief, John 3:16 is not the only scripture in the bible.)Interpretation is one thing, but the bible has clear stances on homosexuality, premarital sex, and sexual immorality in general. As far as the variety show is concerned, what was said is the biblical truth. The bible says, we must walk as Christ did. Christ was sinless, blameless and he had a love for all people, yes. And that's how Christians strive to be. No man is perfect but with the help of Jesus Christ, we can do all things. The problem with some Christians is that they tend to think that the bible does not apply to them and so they make up their own inerpretations that are not even scriptually accurate and trick themselves into a lie of "I have my own ides about God" when in actuality, Christ says "I am the way, the truth, and the light and no man can see the father but through me," PERIOD. This means having a relationship with Christ based on scripture. It's not the homosexual person that the Chritstian biblically disapproves of, but a Satan inspired perverted lifestyle, which in many cases, like any sin, the person cannot control. They need to confess these transgressions to Christ to be forgiven and delivered, meaning acknowledging something isn't right and seeking Christ to help them make a change. Concerning going around and spreading "our views", it's called witnessing and everything we say can be backed up by the bible, word for word. And it's done out of LOVE so that our brothers and sisters can also experience the peace and joy we feel as Christians. Because we know that if everyone came to Christ, we WOULD all "just get along".

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[> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 17:29:51 05/06/02 Mon

Wow, this is such a good topic. Okay well 1st and foremost, i am a Christian, but i'm not perfect. I feel that alot of people want to be perfect and they can't and we can only try our best to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. The major lesson i feel that Jesus wanted us to learn was love. I have been saved since the age of 6, by my own will, and have been in the church since i came out of the womb, and saving souls at the age of 10, so i do know a thing or two about living the right way. I never had the oppurtuniuty to be "bad" or to sin all the time and have my life go astray. For that i do thank God and my parents. I feel that alot of people who are new to the religion are radicals in thier aproach. I think that they need time to grow in God, live as a Christian and so forth. And further more what i don't understand is, that if everyone is reading the Bible, how did we skip over the fact that we have no right to Judge! I am sick of people judging what people do, how they live and so on. My Lord is the ONLY one that can judge me! THE ONLY ONE!!!!! Not YOU!!! People walk around like they are more Holy than thou and are no better than the Pharases! You have no idea what is in someones heart. What people do is between them and their God. Jesus didn't always walk with the holy, and Jesus never thought he was better than everyone else. That is not the way of My Lord. Jesus was humble and meek, but yet possed amazing love and power. Further more, how you display your following of Christ is a major thing. There is a friend of mine that I have been trying to minister to for 6 years, she is very set in her ways, but just as she was coming around, she heard a radical speek and it turned her away. That's what some of you people do. You turn people away. You talk about going to hell and what not, preach about his love! Teach them that it's not easy! That the road is hard but that the reward to live in him for eternity is great! I know this is alot, but i had to get somethings off my chest. I have a whole lot more to say but i don't have enough time. I hope that i got through to some people and made you see this in a different light.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 18:44:23 05/06/02 Mon

Okay, first of all Sunshine I am very glad that you are saved and living for the lord but i think your making a connection between witnessing and judging that is not completely accurate. The bible says that we cannot judge, but it also says to hold your brothers in Christ accountable for thier actions and also to correct in LOVE. Thats the main thing that people don't understand. Witnessing and bringing to light what the bible says on certain issues is not judging but holding people accountable for thier actions. Me telling someone they are going to hell because they are promiscuous is judging. Me telling that same person they need to seperate themselves from that lifestyle and accept Christ because he or she is doing damage to thier body is correcting with LOVE. These two types of action are often mixed together as the same thing when they are NOT. Christ did love all but he also acknowleged sin. Matthew 7:1 says "Do not Judge, or you too will be judged". People use this scripture without knowing its meaning. It is a word condeming hypocrasy. People judging others, when they have no relationship with Christ, and they aren't even living right. That is a big difference from those whose fruits can clearly be seen trying to witness to their supposed brothers and sisters in Christ to live right and rededicate thier walks.them The truth is that the wages of sin is Death.I don't want to see anyone go to hell, but always babying them and saying how much love God has for them does not help some people think twice about the dangerous lifestlyes they lead and its spiritual consequences.When the Pharisees brought the adulteress woman to Christ he said to her "go,but sin no more." He condemned the act but not the person. I think what many people call radical is nothing more that a person who is preaching the truth. Sinners don't want to hear that they are going to hell for not accepting Christ,they don't want to hear that they need to change their lifestlyes. The bible says Christ offends. Sinners want to hear that God is always there, and that they have all this time to repent because it makes it easier for them to continue sinning,when its just not true.Christians who are bold in proclaiming the Gospel should not be automatically labeled radical, because they are doing none other than what the apostles did. Now make no mistake everyone preacher is not saved, but you can tell a true soldier of Christ by thier fruits and by the motives of their words. People need to listen and stop being so quick to get offended. Especially if someone calls out your actions that YOU know you shouldn't be doing in the first place. Christians especially need to stop being so timid when it comes to the proclaiming Christ.Christ says "if you deny me to man, I will deny you to my Father." We are living in a Godless society that is getting worse by the year and the Lord is calling for bold Christians too proclaim his glory, not scared people who want to please everybody. If you believe that Christ is Lord then you should be out trying to save as many people as possible. Its not trying to show people how righteous you are, its trying to save souls from hell, and if I offend people in the process of doing Christ's work I'm sorry, but I'm doing Christs work and will continue. For those who are offended by what i say i think you should really re-examine your relationships with Christ because I write in nothing other that love for my common man and I pray everyday for my people to stop fooling themsleves with false gospels,weed,liquor and sex. If that makes me radical then so be it.

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[> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 13:00:43 05/07/02 Tue

Ok I understand what you are getting at Proph. Not saying I agree but I do understand. What I am most bothered by however is the fact that I can think back a semester or two and some of the same people who are now rebuking certain actions like premarital sex, weed smoking, drinking alcohol...etc. were the main ones engaging in these activities. AS a matter of fact some were still doing these things while singing in the gospel choir, going to church every Sunday, and attempting to preach to others. Granted nobody is perfect or lives without sinning but you can not expect to be taken seriously when you have actively participated in the same actions with the same people you are now trying to bring into the light. Some things people just have to come to terms with on their own time and through their own experiences and peoples relationship with God in whatever capacity it comes is one of those things.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 07:26:58 05/08/02 Wed

Thats the whole point. When you notice someone has doen a 180 becuase of being saved that is validation that the LORD is real. Yes I use to drink and smoke and fornicate, but who can say they have seen me near any of it since I was saved. It says in Cortinthians that if you are in Christ you are a new creature. Singing in the Gospel Choir does not make you holy. Preaching does not make you holy. Make no mistake that there are always double-minded people out there. Thats why you cannot look at a person's past but look at their fruits. If they are bringing people to Christ and you see a definite change in everything about them and the fruits of thier relationship with Christ can clearly be seen then you will know who is truly a child of God and who is not. Everyone falls now and again, its a consequence of being surrounded by sin 24/7. But those who strive to better themselves in Christ can be seen by others as truly walking and for those people, we need more support. The bible says in the last days Christ will pour out his spirit on all man and you will see sons and daughters prophesy and do great works for the lord. Rather than criticize someone because they used to do something try to see what there inspiration for change was and true Christians will shine with God light so that no man can judge.

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[> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 19:54:40 05/07/02 Tue






1 PETER 1:14,15


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[> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 21:35:41 05/07/02 Tue

the scriptures above are all things that christians are required or reminded to do or be aware of. That's what the Word of God through the BIBLE says! So if anyone gets offended or upset by it, you just have to take that up with God above. Hey, they are just doing their job cause "Obedience IS better than sacrifice"

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[> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 22:07:12 05/07/02 Tue

Okay Proph, so i understand where you are coming from, but you must understand that all because i'm not going around campus pulling people to Christ doesn't mean that I'm not doing the work of God. Furthermore, your way of bringing people to Christ might not be my tactic, and i feel as though we should try to respect the way other people do it. I obviously grew up in a church and household different from yours which is cool, but i was not brought up that way. I think that now that i understand where you are coming from i can better understand and respect your way of presenting Christ. I don't think that i am a timid Christian b/c i do tell people about the love of God and the consequences of not living in him. I do however remember a time where i went to GC and there was a person that said that if you don't shout and praise the Lord that you were ashamed, or that you must have guilt in your heart and that is why you couldn't fully praise him. This really bothered. For days i was talking about it. I grew up in a different type of chruch setting. I happen to have an entire family dedicated to Christ and are walking the road the best they know how. However they don't praise the way that they were praising in at Gospel Choir. I don't feel that i have guilt in my heart b/c i don't. I know what my Lord as done for me and am very greatful. But my religion is not for show. It is a very important and serious thing to me even though i'm not perfect. i don't do everything right but i can still take it seriously. There were times where we would be in the choir, and people would be cryin and shouting but as soon as it was over and we would take a break they acted like nothing just happend and when it was time to go back out there they put on their faces and tears and acted completlt different. If that is what praising and show is then i don't wanna do that. When the Lord moves me and I'm sure that you understand what i'm talking about, i feel like i'm in another state of mind and it's not something where soemone will crack a joke i snap out of it act up and get right back in it. That's not real to me. I can'r just jump in and out as i please, when the Lord has me, he's got me for as long as he wants me and there is no leaving that. It's a state of being for me. Anyway, i'm sure i went off topic, but when i talk about God so many things come to mind that it all wants to come out, You Understand. anyway like i was saying all b/c people don't witness the way you do doesn't make it wrong all it does is outlines differences and differeces can be a good thing. The most important thing is to get the word out and i hope that you agree with me. (sorry if words are left out, i was in a rush)

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[> [> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 07:42:40 05/08/02 Wed

I fully understand and please don't think i was criticizing your walk in any way. I was not calling you timid, but referring to those Christians who would not proclaim Christ if asked, that is why there is a need for those who are appointed by God to stand on the Frontlynes and proclaim Christ like the apostles did. Christ uses us through our personalities and as I have come to understand, not everyone is a crier, not everyone is a shouter and not everyone can speak in tongues. God works with us the way we are. If you were a shy person before you most likely will not be screaming and shouting when the spirit moves, but connecting with God in your own way and that's okay. As far as GC people shouting on stage and acting normal when they get off, I can't speak for all but when the spirit moves me through GC I will shout because I am in the moment when the Holy Spirit is moving and manifesting himself. Sometimes it is important for others to see us praising the lord without fear because many Christians are afraid to praise the lord, but also with that there are many showpeople in the Church and we must always ask God for the give of discernment so we will know when the spirit is truly present. As far as witnessing I feel that every Christian should take part in it. Whether it be verbal or passing out tracks. There are alot of lost sould out there and the bible calls us to be "fishers of Men". We as Christians have a duty to spread the Love and Gospel of Christ to those who may not know of his Love. Witnessing is very important, however you do it and it is required by scripture that we do so. Remember we have no idea how God moves through us, so we have no idea what words we give concerning Christ will affect someone life or walk, that's why we as heirs to the kingdom need to constantly remind people that the end times are upon us and that Christ can save all who come to him. I wish you much Love, and blessings in your walk. (ALL who read this)

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[> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

Matt Munn
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Date Posted: 00:14:36 05/08/02 Wed

I was inspired by Sunshine to post this...
Taking into consideration the complexity of GODs work, don't we think that its ridiculous to expect everything to be so simple. Would it make sense for every person on this Earth to do exactly the same thing, the same way? First of all, thats impossible, and secondly, I mean, we are talking about GOD here! Just look at how diverse we are just within this one country. Billions upon billions of people have existed on this Earth since the beginning of time, speaking a wide range of languages, coming from a wide range of cultures, and experiencing life in extremely different ways. Do we think for one minute that we know all that GOD has in store for people. We don't know a thing about the complexity of the human mind, yet we somehow know everything about GODs mind. Do we think that it is as simple as, if you don't believe this or that like I do, then your gonna burn. I disagree completely. This is what man has done to the truth. Man has changed it into a simple thing, called it religion, and used it to control people. Historically - There were great civilizations with millions of people in North America, the Far East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, etc., way before and throughout the birth and spread of Christianity. I believe that what Jesus REALLY preached was waaaaaay bigger and deeper than we think. We all have a direct connection to GOD via our immortal spirits, and don't even understand it! Yeah, we say that by accepting this or that, or believing this or that, or by stopping this or that habit..we are suddenly spiritual people. We say that once we stop being "bad" and yada yada yada, we are now saved from eternal torture. But, I think that the truth of GOD and our true purpose in life is so much deeper than all of this. I think that we have merely scratched the surface at best!!! Every human being is born spiritually connected to the creator of the universe, and has to master his spiritual capabilities in order to become ONE with GOD, at which point he/she will really understand the point. The Bible is simply a tool to help us get there. It is no different than thousands of other things that can help us reach this union with GOD. This is what Jesus was preaching. WHo saw Stigmata??? Let me get to the point. Because every person is different, every person's path is different. The way that I meditate is different than the way the next man has to meditate. The way I fast and pray, is way different than the next man. Its more personal than we think. Don't let some council in Nicea, some pastor, or acquaintance tell YOU how to have a spiritual union/connection/relationship with GOD. You must understand that its in you. What we need to be doing, is helping each other get to that level by sharing our own experiences and discoveries. Its hard to explain what I'm trying to say here...but i'm trying. Basically, don't settle for all the regular stuff people try to feed you. And don't try to mimic the external religious practices of others thinking your going to get somewhere. If anyone wants to hit me up and talk more about this click my name, send an email, and we'll hook up...


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[> [> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 07:57:31 05/08/02 Wed

Your right, the Bible even states that no man can know the mind of God. But the Life of Christ in the Gospel draws clear conclusion about those who do not accept him. He gives parables of the wedding feast, parables of the harvest. These are teachings to show that those who don't believe in Christ will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Christ plainly states it in his own words. It's not a tradition of man, its the word's coming from the SON OF GOD. Now of course people are going to do things differently, but that does not nullify what the scriputre calls us to do. Our own ideas do not nullify scripture. Be very careful that you do not look for things that aren't there,the bible says that people have a hard time accepting the things of Christ because they want more, but what more can you ask for then eternal life and knowledge. God says he will open the gates of heaven for you if you accept his son and follow in his ways. This is not just talk. Everyone talks about spirituality, but getting saved does not make someone a saint. Sanctification is a process, not an automatic, make no mistake. We must continue to walk and as we do, we begin to become more spiritual and become less attached to the world and its desires. If you want true spirituality, then follow in Christ footsteps.Christ said in Mark 16:17 "Those who follow me will drink poison without harm,cast out demons in my name" How much more spiritual can we get, we will never be like God or Christ, but we can work many miracles through his name by allowing our bodies to be vessels for his use. Man seeks a solid answer and equation for eveything, but there comes a point where numbers and calculations must end and true faith must begin. God says the faith of a mustard seed is all it takes to move mountains. IF we believe and seek God with a pure heart he will manifest himself to us and answer our questions. Just be careful of your motives

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[> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 10:10:15 05/08/02 Wed

I definitely feel what you are saying Proph. It is a spiritual process that we must go through. Thats all I'm saying. And, you are right about what the New Testament says. If you believe that the Bible is %100 perfect, and that certain statements attributed to Jesus are actually the words that Jesus said, then you must believe that there will be no non-Christians in heaven. The New Testament makes this very clear like you said.
I have a question...I would like to know how we define FAITH. Prop said, "Man seeks a solid answer and equation for eveything, but there comes a point where numbers and calculations must end and true faith must begin." We always use this word. But what exactly is FAITH as it pertains to GOD and the truth? Keep postin...


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[> [> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 12:14:35 05/08/02 Wed

Whats up everyone..
This discussion is a good one and I believe there have been some good points made from every stance. As a minister of the gospel I do fully support and reinforce the importance of preaching and teaching God's love. The Lord is a loving God that presented His son to die on the cross for all people.I also want to reitirate that the so called "radicals" are speaking a non-works based message. In other words, living holy does not get you into Heaven. There are many unsaved people living very good lives but still fall short of the glory of God and the only thing that can bridge the gap between us and God is our belief and commitment to Jesus. Now, we must ask ourselves why He truly died?

Romans 6:4-7 states:

Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection. Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. For he who has died has been freed from sin.

In this passage of scripture we can all see that Christ died that we may be freed from the penalty and bondage of sin. But the prereq for this freedom is dieing to Christ. In this I mean a true believer has not only accepted Christ as savior but also as LORD which means rule and authority. When we submit to the power of the Lord and HIs Spirit, truly there is a transformation that takes place. Now this transformation is noticeable through action or fruits, whether it be in word, deed, character etc. So even though we are not saved by works, good works are a by-product of our faith and relationship with Christ. In the book of James it clearly states that our faith is solidified by action. And to answer Matt, faith is having a belief and hope in something unseen. I have not seen Christ, but I have faith in His existence and His power to change lives.
As far as judgement is concerned, I believe that we should not appease or dismiss the sinful actions of a fellow "brother or sister" in Christ. It should definitely be approached in love and correction as stated by Paul in 1 Corinthians 5. However, we do this not to belittle or to condemn, but to help the other person escape the "baby" or "carnal" Christian state. As Christians we are to live a life that is led by the Holy Spirit and not by the flesh. We all fall short, however should we allow sins to reign in our lives when we know that they are wrong? To do so is to reject the power of the Lord. The Christian walk is a process, a race that needs to be run with diligence and focus on the Lord. But many have stopped running and believe that God will accept anything in His gates. He knows the hearts of His sons and daughters. If you truly love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul...i believe that you will strive to rid yourself of those things that are hindering a right relationship with the Father. And even so, we cant do this on our own strength..but through Christ.
I've written alot and may have strayed off topic, however I want to make it clear that to be Christian is to believe that there is one way up to Heaven. There is no escaping that reality...u may not believe it but to say you are a Christian and to deny the fact that Christ is the only way is oxymoronic. Whether you are gay, straight, muslim, hindu, know that God loves you but He hates sin. God is a loving father to those who Trust Him, but also a judge and will judge accordingly. Salvation is for everyone but please take heed to the call...He can deliver you and change you. I am a testimony of that power. Christ Reigns yall!

Oh and Matt,
We as believers do feel that the gospel and the message of Christ is simple...but in no way do we think we know everything about God. Read 1 Corinthians chpt 1 about the foolishness of God which is wiser than men. What we think is so simple and so easy is exactly how God breaks down the so called wisdom of men. When we talk about Christ we cannot approach Him with our own wisdom or thoughts, we can only understand Him through a spiritual mind given by the Lord. Also, Christians spend our lives learning more and more about God but the plan of salvation has been written clearly for all to understand.

I luv everybody in this forum with that agape Christ love,

WiZe of the Frontlynaz

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[> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 13:50:44 05/08/02 Wed

I like and agree with what Bejoy said about the spiritual mind.
"When we talk about Christ we cannot approach Him with our own wisdom or thoughts, we can only understand Him through a spiritual mind given by the Lord." -Bejoy
I believe that when trying to understand GOD, we need to exercise the use of our "spiritual mind", which, when used correctly, can discern what is truth.

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[> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

Michelle Guobadia
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Date Posted: 23:31:39 05/08/02 Wed

I love this dialogue...it's a great fourum where everyone can get their point across in a calm way where everyone can listen....I think however that when the topic of religion and spirituality come up the question really is on personal faith.....I consider myself a very spiritual person with deep faith in God and just because i don't pray like others or read the bible and worship like others in no way should be a measurement of my faith. I have seen the face of death and because of God I can sit at my computer and converse with you today....I respect those who minster the word to others but don't think that I am void of the love the you share for our Lord and Savior...we just worship and believe in different ways.....According to my religion..there is such as being "saved"....we have several sacraments that bring us closer to GOD and it in in those sacarments in order of my faith that i believe...

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