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Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Jennifer Davis
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Date Posted: 05:24:49 05/06/02 Mon
In reply to: Latoya Griffith 's message, "Segregated housing at UD" on 22:41:42 05/01/02 Wed

As far as there not being that many black people on South, North and East Campus. You would be surprised because there are many more than people think. But from those that I know, they feel that living in these areas are more condusive to learning because they are close to classes, professors and the library. We just do not really notice the amount of minorities over here because they are not the people most of us see every day, esecially those of us in the honors program and taking honors classes.

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Afrikan Lion
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Date Posted: 11:17:04 05/06/02 Mon

I say, don't worry about segregation of the campus. It could prove to be a good thing. It is a lot easier to unite the Black community on campus, if we are isolated, the way the University wants it. Don't worry because, as soon as they see the Black community gaining strength the will reverse their MO and you will see a more intergrated campus. It's segregated right now, because they want to keep most of us away from them. Rodney used to be a Black area, as a matter of fact it was designed after the ghetto....close-knitt run-down buildings, with one main exit, to a busy street. This was designed for containment, in case the Universities Niggers decided to riot, like we Niggers always do, ya know? But, whites liked living there because it's closer to campus, than Laird Campus (which was beginning to house "rediculous" amounts of Black students, and it was still close to the Cleveland Ave, and Madison (Towne Court and Park Place) party scenes. It is not coincidental that we all live in the same area, nor is it entirely our choice. As freshmen we have little choice as to where we are housed. The majority of the Black freshmen are housed together. Due to the racist environment on the campus, they form cliques and to risk isolation in a hostile environment, all move to where the Blacks before them moved...Laird Campus.

The answer is not to change their strategy, but to use their plan of isolating the entire Black community to OUR benefit, and using those spots as ours. Strength in Unity! Guidance and protection Lions and Empresses...Jah love!

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