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Subject: Segregated housing at UD

Latoya Griffith
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Date Posted: 22:41:42 05/01/02 Wed

Why is housing at the University of Delaware? All of the black people gravitate toward Laird and West campus, and desert south and east campus. But why exactly does this happen, and how can we end this cycle?

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Matt Munn
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Date Posted: 22:51:33 05/01/02 Wed

I don't think we should try to end it. Its just a reflection of what history has done to our cultures. It has torn them so far apart that, even today, we still don't have the same social interests (for the most part). When we(everyone,white & black) finally heal from America's shitty past, I think there will be one culture, more diversity, and stuff like that. Then, and only then, will my black ass move to east campus! >;-)

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Jennifer Durham
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Date Posted: 23:26:25 05/01/02 Wed

I think it is just the fact that we have been socialized so much that everybody now conforms to the rolls that society tells us to. In my opinion, whites, blacks, latinos, and everyone else leave change to the next person and are afraid to make real steps. If you want to integrate campus u have to integrate the world. UD does not represent society accurately in regards to proportions of minorities, but it does reflect similar mainly white campuses. It is going to take everyone to befriend opposite races to make UD's campus integrated. And the sad thing is when some do integrate, they are said to be denying their race. If a black man lives on South Campus, people assume he "acts" white or dates white girls. People sterotype people and a lot of the time just plan out hate on people. So i believe if u want a difference then u move to one part of campus with few black fold ei. south and u make the difference yourself and encourage others to also.

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Jennifer Davis
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Date Posted: 05:37:26 05/02/02 Thu

Being that the housing assignments just came out, one of my black friends on campus and myself were discussing our assignments for next year. When I told her that I was living on South Central Campus she said, "Why are you living there? 'South Central Campus' is so far away." I replied "How is 'South Central Campus' far? It is close to all of my classes, the library and the Engineering departments." She said that it may be close to classes but that its far from EVERYONE ELSE. I could have sworn that we are all mainly here for an education. Being socially active is a must because we are social creatures, so that is not (should not be) a main focus of going to a University. We do need to integrate other parts of campus. The reason black people gravitate towards Laird campus is because that is what they are told. That is also where many black events are held which is completely unfair. There are other areas of this campus that are not just as nice as living on Laird campus, and for some are less distractive. It also bad that many black people do not know of any other dorms with the exception of West and Laird Campus. They have fallen victim to the modernized segregation that society has created.

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Tywanda Howie
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Date Posted: 06:38:21 05/02/02 Thu

The reason that many minorities live on Laird Campus is by choice. Laird Campus is mostly upper classmen housing, therefore a majority of the people who live here have selected on their own. Many minorities chose to do so because of the scarce population on minorities on this campus and the desire to be close to familiarity and likeliness. As for freshman year, and the abundance of minorities on West Campus, that is a result of the housing selection process designed by UD. Even though faculty and boards claim that everything is random, it does not add up that a handle full of minorities live between south and east campus, while the majority our housed on west. My freshman year 13 blacks lived on my one floor, although this may be above the norm, only 1 black resided on south campus last year. apparently something is going on. additionally there was, atleast when i applied for housing as a freshman, an option to select if you feel comfortable living around certain people etc... so even though it seems that minorites are segregated and cluster to a certain area, it may very well be that majorities choose to live amongst their own as well. if it is the fact that minorities did want to segregate themselves, wouldnt they opt to live in MLK housing in Ray Street?

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Michelle Guobadia
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Date Posted: 12:20:02 05/02/02 Thu

I think the reson so many black people live on Laird is not just for the social aspect and the family feel, but rather for prefrence. Mnay black student on this yard like having their own bathroom(Towers) or share their bathroom with limited people (Pencader and Ray Street)...However we must consider the soical aspects...many of us are not putlling good and repectable grades due for our need for constant social interaction. Have you seen the Tower's commons on any given night??...It looks like a HBCU and we all know it;s not condusive to a proper study environment. I agree with what Jen Davis said: we're here for our education and the social aspect should be secondary to that only after you have established a good habits and your grades are above C level....We do miss out on a whole other world when we segregate ourselves on UD's yard...Did you know Perkins food court was banging????

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Ambi Palmer
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Date Posted: 18:31:32 05/02/02 Thu

I agree that the reason why blacks are attracted to the Laird Campus is because of preference as far as living conditions, but I also believe that the reason why so many move to Laird campus is because this is where most of the black people live. I, along with many others of my class of 2003 were just put into the towers as freshman. As a matter of fact, the year that we came into UD was the first time that freshman were ever put into the towers. Laird Campus is all that I know and I have gotten used to living over here. I wouldn't know how to react living anywhere else. This is why I still remain here. I have made lots of friends that can relate to the same situations as I, and I feel that if I started off living "across the tracks" I would not have met as many friends (as far as black friends) because there aren't hardly any black people on that side of campus. It's a shame and it shouldn't have to be this way, but that's the way it is and I really don't see it changing much.

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Jennifer Davis
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Date Posted: 05:24:49 05/06/02 Mon

As far as there not being that many black people on South, North and East Campus. You would be surprised because there are many more than people think. But from those that I know, they feel that living in these areas are more condusive to learning because they are close to classes, professors and the library. We just do not really notice the amount of minorities over here because they are not the people most of us see every day, esecially those of us in the honors program and taking honors classes.

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Afrikan Lion
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Date Posted: 11:17:04 05/06/02 Mon

I say, don't worry about segregation of the campus. It could prove to be a good thing. It is a lot easier to unite the Black community on campus, if we are isolated, the way the University wants it. Don't worry because, as soon as they see the Black community gaining strength the will reverse their MO and you will see a more intergrated campus. It's segregated right now, because they want to keep most of us away from them. Rodney used to be a Black area, as a matter of fact it was designed after the ghetto....close-knitt run-down buildings, with one main exit, to a busy street. This was designed for containment, in case the Universities Niggers decided to riot, like we Niggers always do, ya know? But, whites liked living there because it's closer to campus, than Laird Campus (which was beginning to house "rediculous" amounts of Black students, and it was still close to the Cleveland Ave, and Madison (Towne Court and Park Place) party scenes. It is not coincidental that we all live in the same area, nor is it entirely our choice. As freshmen we have little choice as to where we are housed. The majority of the Black freshmen are housed together. Due to the racist environment on the campus, they form cliques and to risk isolation in a hostile environment, all move to where the Blacks before them moved...Laird Campus.

The answer is not to change their strategy, but to use their plan of isolating the entire Black community to OUR benefit, and using those spots as ours. Strength in Unity! Guidance and protection Lions and Empresses...Jah love!

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

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Date Posted: 11:38:13 05/06/02 Mon

How many people want to start integrating main campus? I bet the majority of the black would like to. How many are willing to change their housing from Laird or the few at Dickinson/Rodeny to mmove onto main campus?? Next to none or not enough to make other blacks or incoming black freshman to move onto main campus. The University's idea of diversity is 1 or 2 blacks. Going off of Matt's idea, we want to be around our people. Until a mass of black people move onto main campus this campus will continue to be segregated UD.

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Jillian Schenck
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Date Posted: 12:18:49 05/06/02 Mon

The last time I checked there were white people living on Laird Campus too...quite a few of them. So we're not segregated...Laird Campus is the most integrated place to live. If you look around at the people at the bus stop when you're going to class, there are all kinds of people there. And the white people live there for the same reason we do...because it's the best place to live. Living in the towers I have air conditioning, a bathroom that 15 people don't use, a kitchen, I don't have a check in/out time during holidays, my friends have room to stay over...it's the closest we can get to luxury on campus. I think that's why black people like it on Laird Campus. I mean if living in a dorm on the south side of campus is your thing then that's cool... I'd just rather stay where I am.

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

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Date Posted: 17:40:45 05/06/02 Mon

I don't know about you all, but the reason i moved to the towers is not because of the black population. That would be a really stupid reason to do that. I'm not here for black people I'm here for an education. Also, i do like my own bathroom, i would love to cook for myself and i want lots of space not to mention AC! That's why i choose the towers. I wanted to live here since i came to visit the school, and i didn't know about the population on this side of campus at all. Furthermore, i select the people i socialize with based on personlaity and not color. That would also be a dumb decision to be around a bunch of people i didn't like just b/c they were black. Anyway, the point is preference. I hope that is why people choose to live here. If not, and the only way you make decisions is based on ethnic reasons, then you might be a person who can't make good decisions, which wouls make you a piss poor decision maker.

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