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Subject: Wsup with the N-Word???

Matt Munn
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Date Posted: 21:54:37 05/01/02 Wed

Wsup with the N-Word? It is ranked #1 the most offensive word that can be spoken in english? Yet, despite this, the word is used so freely by black people everyday. Personally, I think we have changed the entire meaning of the word. "Nigga", when used by black people, means something totally different than "nigger". Today, its like a common curse word, that should be used with similar amounts of discretion. I am not against using the word freely around close friends, but I don't want it to be used so openly...especially around people of other races and cultures who might not fully understand.

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[> Subject: Re: Wsup with the N-Word???

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Date Posted: 22:09:08 05/01/02 Wed

Nigga is cool to say. Just as long as white people don't say it. It's like black peoples way of referin to each other as brothas. U know? Like, "Dats my nigga". Nah mean? Forget what anybody else thinks cuz we know what it means.

the wise one

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[> [> Subject: Re: Wsup with the N-Word???

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Date Posted: 11:11:55 05/02/02 Thu

That aint wise man thats ignorant. That word does not in any way mean brotha. If it meant such good things then there wouldn't be a double-standard to the word. Wake up and realize that we are just breaking each other down everytime we refer to each other as NIGGERS. Spelled or said any other way still means NIGGER. You wanna call your boy your brother-call him your brother why NIGGA. The word aint become popular till rappers started calling everyone that and now all of a sudden its ok. Black folks need to stop accepting everything thats fed to us behind some lyrics and a beat. Start questionsing some things for yourself.

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[> Subject: Re: Wsup with the N-Word???

Joe Kirk
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Date Posted: 22:19:29 05/01/02 Wed

A word is always going to be a word. It's up to the people to give that word power and meaning. You can try to change and get rid of all negative words known to man, but will that get rid of the hate that has already been established?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Wsup with the N-Word???

Latoya Griffith
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Date Posted: 22:36:05 05/01/02 Wed

I personally don't support the use of the N-word. Although people claim that "Nigga" has a different meaning than "Nigger", I don't buy into that. People argue that "Nigga" turns the negative connotations of the word into a positive. But all this does is allow the n-word to infiltrate everyday vocabulary of not only blacks, but the vocabulary of whites also.

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[> Subject: Re: Wsup with the N-Word???

Jennifer Davis
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Date Posted: 05:20:47 05/02/02 Thu

I have no problem with blacks using the word Nigga in private settings. I feel that blacks have altered the meaning and spelling of a word that was used against them just as some other ethnic groups have done. I do in fact have a problem with people that are not black and/or do not understand the full meaning of this word, its history and how it has been used saying it. It offends me and it hurts. As far as using the word nigger, I grew up with people that use it (ALL of my family), so if you feel moved to describe someone in that manner, more power to you. But, if someone is saying nigger because the person they are speaking of is black and that's the reason they are using the word (the original way of using the word), then the black person as far as I am concerned has every right to hurt you. But keep in mind that when someone intentionally insults another with no basis for argument, that is a reflection on his/her character, not on the person being insulted.

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[> Subject: Re: Wsup with the N-Word???

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Date Posted: 08:14:03 05/02/02 Thu

If feel as though nigga is just a word. The person or each individual determine how the word makes them feel. Yes, it does have negative connotation, but it is just a word and nuffin more.

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[> Subject: Re: Wsup with the N-Word???

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Date Posted: 14:03:57 05/02/02 Thu

Greetings all...In addressing the usage of the word Nigga(er), we must look at it carefully and analytically to fully overstand the different sides of the coin. There are some who say that we should not use the word because it is negatively impactive on society, and that it fuels racism. I can see that angle....widespread use of the word nigga, does fuel racism, as it makes the two other races, caucasions and asians feel as if they have some "go-ahead" to utilize the word amongst themselves, referring to each other, and how they refer to us. Furthermore, it makes them assume that it is proper to use the word in addressing us, like they too have the bond we share.I can understand the view of those who feel the term is one of endearment, and if that is the general concensus (sp?) then that would be acceptable, within the selected group of those who find it appropriate However, in no circumstance, regardless of your personal view, do I think public use is acceptable. Saying that, because if not used in the proper context, the meaning may be construed and cause detriment to parties involved.

However, if you agree with the philosophy of Robert H. deCoy and have read "The Nigger Bible," the use of the word Nigger(a) is appropriate to refer to Black people because nigga simply refers to those who are proud to be black, and do not aspire to be "Niggers who Grow" or Negroes. (That is the root of that term) It is under this premise that I may use the term Nigga. Lastly, there is the flip side of that view in which we use nigga to refer to those of our race who have no aspirations, but to be the brunt of society. We must be careful with that view though because, we do not know what has happened to put people, especially Afrikan people, in the positions they are in. Furthermore, we cannot completely fault those who are out hustling, because as Brother Malcolm X said, everyone has a hustle, and situations inflicted upon the Black community, make a hustle necessary for survival. If we have no solution for their problems, who are we to fault them for how they solve them. They are doing the best they know how.

In conclusion (sorry for the extra long post), we must decide for ourselves which meaning we want to apply to the word Nigga. WE MUST DECIDE FOR OURSELVES...not any other group, for it is us who have been affected by the use of this word, and it is for us to decide what meaning we now wish it to carry. But, I definitely believe that this decision should be one made by us, and should be kept secret, within our community, so that only we use it. Guidance and protection...one love

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[> Subject: Re: Wsup with the N-Word???

Matt Munn
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Date Posted: 14:32:02 05/02/02 Thu

That's exactly what i'm sayin!

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[> Subject: Re: Wsup with the N-Word???

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Date Posted: 14:36:45 05/02/02 Thu

The continual use of the N-word is undoubtedly mental slavery. If nigger is the most vile word in the English language given to us to racist capitalism, and 'nigga' is a derivative of that word, then we call our brothers and sisters the derivative of the most vile word in the english language. I refuse to do this.

Historically, there were minstrel songs (named by white people) called "Nigga in the de Field" or "Nigga Put Down that Jug" in 1853. (If you don't believe me, check out Eric Lott's "Love and Theft.") I do not think we would say that these minstrels were, as Ralph Ellison said, "changing the joke to slip the yolk."

"Free your minds from mental slavery/
none but ourselves can free our minds."
--- The Prophet, Bob Marley

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[> Subject: Re: Wsup with the N-Word???

Ambi Palmer
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Date Posted: 18:54:22 05/02/02 Thu

Here is the definition of Nigger in the Webster's College 1999 4th Edition Dictionary:

Nigger: originally simply a dialectal variant of Negro, the term nigger is today acceptable only in black English; in all other contexts it is now generally regarded as virtually taboo because of the legacy of racial hatred that underlies the history of its use among whites, and it continuing use among a minority of speakers as a viciously hostile epithet.

I understand that black people refer to each other as "Nigga" and as far as the word "Nigga".. I am really not sure where I stand at this point. I have mixed feelings. But at the same time I know I dislike the word Nigger. I know for a fact that the word Nigger was a word that was used in order to bring us down (black people as a whole). It was used to make us feel belittled and powerless. I think the reason why I don't feel that "Nigga" is as crucial as Nigger is because of the society and the times in which we live now. On the other hand, I am sure and almost positive, that if back in the day "Nigga" was used, it would have been just as bad as Nigger. This is the reason for my mixed feelings on the word.

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[> Subject: Re: Wsup with the N-Word??? Part 1

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Date Posted: 11:14:50 05/06/02 Mon

There is a difference between Nigg"A" and Nigg"ER". Nigger is a derogatory word that was given to the black race. But nigga, although derived from nigger, is totally different. Nigga, as stated before, is word of endearment. Some may say there is no difference but I have a question for those people: Do you get mad when your friends use the word nigga and they are reffering to you? But let a white person say the word nigga or nigger, we would be ready to fight. It's offensive coming out of the mouth of an another race when they are refering to us. But its acceptable when blacks use it. Do you correct other races like the asians, latinos that use the word? They're not black, do they have a right to use the word? Does it matter if they are refering to one another and not refering to us? Nigga is one of the most controversial words out there today but it is also used within differnt races. Just like we use it like a friendship word, thats how other races use it.

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[> Subject: Re: Wsup with the N-Word???

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Date Posted: 17:46:47 05/06/02 Mon

I don't know if there is a difference between Nigger and Nigga, I just think that someone didn't pronounce it clearly you know what i mean. Like alright = aight or girl = gurl. People really don't know how to pronounce their words. It really could have been a misunderstanding.

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