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Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

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Date Posted: 11:38:13 05/06/02 Mon
In reply to: Latoya Griffith 's message, "Segregated housing at UD" on 22:41:42 05/01/02 Wed

How many people want to start integrating main campus? I bet the majority of the black would like to. How many are willing to change their housing from Laird or the few at Dickinson/Rodeny to mmove onto main campus?? Next to none or not enough to make other blacks or incoming black freshman to move onto main campus. The University's idea of diversity is 1 or 2 blacks. Going off of Matt's idea, we want to be around our people. Until a mass of black people move onto main campus this campus will continue to be segregated UD.

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Jillian Schenck
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Date Posted: 12:18:49 05/06/02 Mon

The last time I checked there were white people living on Laird Campus too...quite a few of them. So we're not segregated...Laird Campus is the most integrated place to live. If you look around at the people at the bus stop when you're going to class, there are all kinds of people there. And the white people live there for the same reason we do...because it's the best place to live. Living in the towers I have air conditioning, a bathroom that 15 people don't use, a kitchen, I don't have a check in/out time during holidays, my friends have room to stay over...it's the closest we can get to luxury on campus. I think that's why black people like it on Laird Campus. I mean if living in a dorm on the south side of campus is your thing then that's cool... I'd just rather stay where I am.

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