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Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 17:29:51 05/06/02 Mon
In reply to: Alonda Tann 's message, "Why can't we all just get along?" on 10:28:15 05/03/02 Fri

Wow, this is such a good topic. Okay well 1st and foremost, i am a Christian, but i'm not perfect. I feel that alot of people want to be perfect and they can't and we can only try our best to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. The major lesson i feel that Jesus wanted us to learn was love. I have been saved since the age of 6, by my own will, and have been in the church since i came out of the womb, and saving souls at the age of 10, so i do know a thing or two about living the right way. I never had the oppurtuniuty to be "bad" or to sin all the time and have my life go astray. For that i do thank God and my parents. I feel that alot of people who are new to the religion are radicals in thier aproach. I think that they need time to grow in God, live as a Christian and so forth. And further more what i don't understand is, that if everyone is reading the Bible, how did we skip over the fact that we have no right to Judge! I am sick of people judging what people do, how they live and so on. My Lord is the ONLY one that can judge me! THE ONLY ONE!!!!! Not YOU!!! People walk around like they are more Holy than thou and are no better than the Pharases! You have no idea what is in someones heart. What people do is between them and their God. Jesus didn't always walk with the holy, and Jesus never thought he was better than everyone else. That is not the way of My Lord. Jesus was humble and meek, but yet possed amazing love and power. Further more, how you display your following of Christ is a major thing. There is a friend of mine that I have been trying to minister to for 6 years, she is very set in her ways, but just as she was coming around, she heard a radical speek and it turned her away. That's what some of you people do. You turn people away. You talk about going to hell and what not, preach about his love! Teach them that it's not easy! That the road is hard but that the reward to live in him for eternity is great! I know this is alot, but i had to get somethings off my chest. I have a whole lot more to say but i don't have enough time. I hope that i got through to some people and made you see this in a different light.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 18:44:23 05/06/02 Mon

Okay, first of all Sunshine I am very glad that you are saved and living for the lord but i think your making a connection between witnessing and judging that is not completely accurate. The bible says that we cannot judge, but it also says to hold your brothers in Christ accountable for thier actions and also to correct in LOVE. Thats the main thing that people don't understand. Witnessing and bringing to light what the bible says on certain issues is not judging but holding people accountable for thier actions. Me telling someone they are going to hell because they are promiscuous is judging. Me telling that same person they need to seperate themselves from that lifestyle and accept Christ because he or she is doing damage to thier body is correcting with LOVE. These two types of action are often mixed together as the same thing when they are NOT. Christ did love all but he also acknowleged sin. Matthew 7:1 says "Do not Judge, or you too will be judged". People use this scripture without knowing its meaning. It is a word condeming hypocrasy. People judging others, when they have no relationship with Christ, and they aren't even living right. That is a big difference from those whose fruits can clearly be seen trying to witness to their supposed brothers and sisters in Christ to live right and rededicate thier walks.them The truth is that the wages of sin is Death.I don't want to see anyone go to hell, but always babying them and saying how much love God has for them does not help some people think twice about the dangerous lifestlyes they lead and its spiritual consequences.When the Pharisees brought the adulteress woman to Christ he said to her "go,but sin no more." He condemned the act but not the person. I think what many people call radical is nothing more that a person who is preaching the truth. Sinners don't want to hear that they are going to hell for not accepting Christ,they don't want to hear that they need to change their lifestlyes. The bible says Christ offends. Sinners want to hear that God is always there, and that they have all this time to repent because it makes it easier for them to continue sinning,when its just not true.Christians who are bold in proclaiming the Gospel should not be automatically labeled radical, because they are doing none other than what the apostles did. Now make no mistake everyone preacher is not saved, but you can tell a true soldier of Christ by thier fruits and by the motives of their words. People need to listen and stop being so quick to get offended. Especially if someone calls out your actions that YOU know you shouldn't be doing in the first place. Christians especially need to stop being so timid when it comes to the proclaiming Christ.Christ says "if you deny me to man, I will deny you to my Father." We are living in a Godless society that is getting worse by the year and the Lord is calling for bold Christians too proclaim his glory, not scared people who want to please everybody. If you believe that Christ is Lord then you should be out trying to save as many people as possible. Its not trying to show people how righteous you are, its trying to save souls from hell, and if I offend people in the process of doing Christ's work I'm sorry, but I'm doing Christs work and will continue. For those who are offended by what i say i think you should really re-examine your relationships with Christ because I write in nothing other that love for my common man and I pray everyday for my people to stop fooling themsleves with false gospels,weed,liquor and sex. If that makes me radical then so be it.

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