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Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 22:07:12 05/07/02 Tue
In reply to: Alonda Tann 's message, "Why can't we all just get along?" on 10:28:15 05/03/02 Fri

Okay Proph, so i understand where you are coming from, but you must understand that all because i'm not going around campus pulling people to Christ doesn't mean that I'm not doing the work of God. Furthermore, your way of bringing people to Christ might not be my tactic, and i feel as though we should try to respect the way other people do it. I obviously grew up in a church and household different from yours which is cool, but i was not brought up that way. I think that now that i understand where you are coming from i can better understand and respect your way of presenting Christ. I don't think that i am a timid Christian b/c i do tell people about the love of God and the consequences of not living in him. I do however remember a time where i went to GC and there was a person that said that if you don't shout and praise the Lord that you were ashamed, or that you must have guilt in your heart and that is why you couldn't fully praise him. This really bothered. For days i was talking about it. I grew up in a different type of chruch setting. I happen to have an entire family dedicated to Christ and are walking the road the best they know how. However they don't praise the way that they were praising in at Gospel Choir. I don't feel that i have guilt in my heart b/c i don't. I know what my Lord as done for me and am very greatful. But my religion is not for show. It is a very important and serious thing to me even though i'm not perfect. i don't do everything right but i can still take it seriously. There were times where we would be in the choir, and people would be cryin and shouting but as soon as it was over and we would take a break they acted like nothing just happend and when it was time to go back out there they put on their faces and tears and acted completlt different. If that is what praising and show is then i don't wanna do that. When the Lord moves me and I'm sure that you understand what i'm talking about, i feel like i'm in another state of mind and it's not something where soemone will crack a joke i snap out of it act up and get right back in it. That's not real to me. I can'r just jump in and out as i please, when the Lord has me, he's got me for as long as he wants me and there is no leaving that. It's a state of being for me. Anyway, i'm sure i went off topic, but when i talk about God so many things come to mind that it all wants to come out, You Understand. anyway like i was saying all b/c people don't witness the way you do doesn't make it wrong all it does is outlines differences and differeces can be a good thing. The most important thing is to get the word out and i hope that you agree with me. (sorry if words are left out, i was in a rush)

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[> [> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 07:42:40 05/08/02 Wed

I fully understand and please don't think i was criticizing your walk in any way. I was not calling you timid, but referring to those Christians who would not proclaim Christ if asked, that is why there is a need for those who are appointed by God to stand on the Frontlynes and proclaim Christ like the apostles did. Christ uses us through our personalities and as I have come to understand, not everyone is a crier, not everyone is a shouter and not everyone can speak in tongues. God works with us the way we are. If you were a shy person before you most likely will not be screaming and shouting when the spirit moves, but connecting with God in your own way and that's okay. As far as GC people shouting on stage and acting normal when they get off, I can't speak for all but when the spirit moves me through GC I will shout because I am in the moment when the Holy Spirit is moving and manifesting himself. Sometimes it is important for others to see us praising the lord without fear because many Christians are afraid to praise the lord, but also with that there are many showpeople in the Church and we must always ask God for the give of discernment so we will know when the spirit is truly present. As far as witnessing I feel that every Christian should take part in it. Whether it be verbal or passing out tracks. There are alot of lost sould out there and the bible calls us to be "fishers of Men". We as Christians have a duty to spread the Love and Gospel of Christ to those who may not know of his Love. Witnessing is very important, however you do it and it is required by scripture that we do so. Remember we have no idea how God moves through us, so we have no idea what words we give concerning Christ will affect someone life or walk, that's why we as heirs to the kingdom need to constantly remind people that the end times are upon us and that Christ can save all who come to him. I wish you much Love, and blessings in your walk. (ALL who read this)

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