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Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 12:14:35 05/08/02 Wed
In reply to: Matt 's message, "Re: Why can't we all just get along?" on 10:10:15 05/08/02 Wed

Whats up everyone..
This discussion is a good one and I believe there have been some good points made from every stance. As a minister of the gospel I do fully support and reinforce the importance of preaching and teaching God's love. The Lord is a loving God that presented His son to die on the cross for all people.I also want to reitirate that the so called "radicals" are speaking a non-works based message. In other words, living holy does not get you into Heaven. There are many unsaved people living very good lives but still fall short of the glory of God and the only thing that can bridge the gap between us and God is our belief and commitment to Jesus. Now, we must ask ourselves why He truly died?

Romans 6:4-7 states:

Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection. Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. For he who has died has been freed from sin.

In this passage of scripture we can all see that Christ died that we may be freed from the penalty and bondage of sin. But the prereq for this freedom is dieing to Christ. In this I mean a true believer has not only accepted Christ as savior but also as LORD which means rule and authority. When we submit to the power of the Lord and HIs Spirit, truly there is a transformation that takes place. Now this transformation is noticeable through action or fruits, whether it be in word, deed, character etc. So even though we are not saved by works, good works are a by-product of our faith and relationship with Christ. In the book of James it clearly states that our faith is solidified by action. And to answer Matt, faith is having a belief and hope in something unseen. I have not seen Christ, but I have faith in His existence and His power to change lives.
As far as judgement is concerned, I believe that we should not appease or dismiss the sinful actions of a fellow "brother or sister" in Christ. It should definitely be approached in love and correction as stated by Paul in 1 Corinthians 5. However, we do this not to belittle or to condemn, but to help the other person escape the "baby" or "carnal" Christian state. As Christians we are to live a life that is led by the Holy Spirit and not by the flesh. We all fall short, however should we allow sins to reign in our lives when we know that they are wrong? To do so is to reject the power of the Lord. The Christian walk is a process, a race that needs to be run with diligence and focus on the Lord. But many have stopped running and believe that God will accept anything in His gates. He knows the hearts of His sons and daughters. If you truly love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul...i believe that you will strive to rid yourself of those things that are hindering a right relationship with the Father. And even so, we cant do this on our own strength..but through Christ.
I've written alot and may have strayed off topic, however I want to make it clear that to be Christian is to believe that there is one way up to Heaven. There is no escaping that reality...u may not believe it but to say you are a Christian and to deny the fact that Christ is the only way is oxymoronic. Whether you are gay, straight, muslim, hindu, know that God loves you but He hates sin. God is a loving father to those who Trust Him, but also a judge and will judge accordingly. Salvation is for everyone but please take heed to the call...He can deliver you and change you. I am a testimony of that power. Christ Reigns yall!

Oh and Matt,
We as believers do feel that the gospel and the message of Christ is simple...but in no way do we think we know everything about God. Read 1 Corinthians chpt 1 about the foolishness of God which is wiser than men. What we think is so simple and so easy is exactly how God breaks down the so called wisdom of men. When we talk about Christ we cannot approach Him with our own wisdom or thoughts, we can only understand Him through a spiritual mind given by the Lord. Also, Christians spend our lives learning more and more about God but the plan of salvation has been written clearly for all to understand.

I luv everybody in this forum with that agape Christ love,

WiZe of the Frontlynaz

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