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Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 13:50:44 05/08/02 Wed
In reply to: Alonda Tann 's message, "Why can't we all just get along?" on 10:28:15 05/03/02 Fri

I like and agree with what Bejoy said about the spiritual mind.
"When we talk about Christ we cannot approach Him with our own wisdom or thoughts, we can only understand Him through a spiritual mind given by the Lord." -Bejoy
I believe that when trying to understand GOD, we need to exercise the use of our "spiritual mind", which, when used correctly, can discern what is truth.

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[> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

Michelle Guobadia
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Date Posted: 23:31:39 05/08/02 Wed

I love this dialogue...it's a great fourum where everyone can get their point across in a calm way where everyone can listen....I think however that when the topic of religion and spirituality come up the question really is on personal faith.....I consider myself a very spiritual person with deep faith in God and just because i don't pray like others or read the bible and worship like others in no way should be a measurement of my faith. I have seen the face of death and because of God I can sit at my computer and converse with you today....I respect those who minster the word to others but don't think that I am void of the love the you share for our Lord and Savior...we just worship and believe in different ways.....According to my religion..there is such as being "saved"....we have several sacraments that bring us closer to GOD and it in in those sacarments in order of my faith that i believe...

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