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Subject: Re: Are all of us sons and daughters of God?

Afrikan Lion
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Date Posted: 07:04:51 05/14/02 Tue
In reply to: Wize 's message, "Are all of us sons and daughters of God?" on 10:11:41 05/11/02 Sat

Once again I say....Get out of the BOX! If you see the scripture as simply scripture...that's all you'll get from it; words, you'll get no meaning. If you apply the Bible being only for Christians, then you are LIMITING the POWER of YOUR God. How can you believe that the God that you say is Different from Allah and any other is all powerful, if His truth is confined only to Christians? About the Bible, if it is as Christians claim, the book for Christians, why should I not use it to argue Christian standpoints? It most certainly would not make sense to argue for or against Christianity using the Book of Coming forth by Day from Night or the Koran, etc. Second, the idea of people who are non-Christian should not use the Bible, is rediculous because of the simple fact the the first five books of the Bible, are collectively known as the Torah, the first section of the Hebrew Bible, which is not the same as Christianity....so those who argue this are being hypocritical. Again, get out of the BOX! As I said before the true follower of Jesus Christ is the one who fights his fight. It was Jesus who said "I come not in peace, but with a sword to smite the wicked." Jesus was not persecuted for his religion....DO NOT BELIEVE THE HYPE....he was persecuted because of his beliefs in the rights of his people, and the life that he lived, in belief that his way could and would uplift the masses. When we fully see spirit, and not religion we will be lead to that bright light of Truth, so that the boxes of the shitstem to not keep us posessed. Guidance and protection Lion and Empress...Jah love.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Are all of us sons and daughters of God?

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Date Posted: 09:08:24 05/14/02 Tue

AfriKan Lion,

First, the bible is not just for Christians to read and investigate...noone ever said that. I said to not use the bible and twist its context especially when ur not a believer. Why are you still trying to debate Christian doctrine? The bible is simple and plain with topics such as salvation and there being only one God and Lord...Jesus Christ. This is what a Christian believes...why cant you accept that? Is it wrong for me to state my point of view as a believer and back up what I believe with scripture? Anybody is free to believe also...but let me reitirate YOU DONT HAVE TO. I can also sense your on edge writing these messages dog, be secure in ur beliefs and just accept that there is another secure in his. Cus in due time..God will make everything clear. The God I'm talking about is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore and will remain the same from the Old Testament to the New Testament and beyond. My God will never change, neither will His word, nor my faith in Him. You cannot seperate Jesus Christ, the Bible, and God. If you trust in one, you trust the other.
John 1:1 " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God....(V14) And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth".
I havent just been reading words, I've applied it to my life...and if you did the same you would probably be in church with me Praising Jesus for His love and grace. So I respect your views, but your views on God and Christ are not supported in the Bible. Make a mention of that before you express yourself...

Saved in the Box,

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