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Subject: Re: Are all of us sons and daughters of God?

Afrikan Lion
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Date Posted: 10:32:48 05/14/02 Tue
In reply to: Wize 's message, "Are all of us sons and daughters of God?" on 10:11:41 05/11/02 Sat

Well, you said it right there....Saved in the Box....well, if that's where you wanna be, then go ahead, I can only try to show light. But be careful, cause while you're saved in the box, the owner of all these boxes, may come by and cart those in boxes off to the dump, against your own will. No one is saying there's anything wrong with a spiritual being using Christianity as their "shoe" to walk through life. The problem lies when people believe that only Nike's will support their ankles from breaking, condeming those who use Reeboks or Adiddas. We get stuck defending a name brand rather than the purpose behind wearing sneakers, period. Apply that to religion. And remember this too, before I'm finished beating this dead horse..."If you are not part of the problem, you are part of the solution." You are not part of the solution if you stay "Saved in the box" because not everyone will want to be in your box, and not everyone will fit in your box. So, you are part of the problem. Knowing corruption and resting on religion is the selfishness that allows us to be saved, although our family is in bondage.

Marchin to Zion...

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[> Subject: Re: Are all of us sons and daughters of God?

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Date Posted: 21:43:43 05/14/02 Tue

Afrikan Lion,

I think you are not seeing the truth here. You cannot separate Christ from God and the Bible. The Old Testament is a building stage leading to the coming of Christ. Throughout the Old Testament Prophets foretold the coming of the Messiah. Jews dont believe that Christ is the Messiah and they reject the New Testament, but that doesn't mean that the coming of Christ is still not told in the Old Testament. The bible is for everyone, anyone can read the Bible, anyone can accept Christ's offer of salvation set forth in the Bible, but you cannot deny that the Bible says that God and Christ are one in the same, and that through Christ ONLY can God (the father) be reached. It's not a box, its the truth. Christian is more than a name, it means "Ones Belonging to Christ". The name is not seperate from the religion, no mere man just thought up the name. Christ's ideals and teachings are all part of the plan by God set forth in the Bible. The first Christians were named in the book of Acts by Paul, under the direction of God. The name Christian was to signify those who were followers of the teachings of Christ the son of God. Christ said over and over again how he was the son of God and how many would just not believe. I feel sorry that YOU are in the box and won't allow yourself to see the truth. If you don't accept it, thats one thing, but please don't try to twist the teachings of God, they are set in stone and scripture which cannot be changed.

As far as your sneaker analogy its flawed. With a name brand there are other products that can get you the same result but with either less money or less hassle. But with Christianity, there is no other way. Those who do not accept Christ will not inherit the kingdom of God.You can make any religion you want, follow any belief system you want, but only those who accept Christ as thier personal savior and build a relationship with him based on the knowledge that he was sent by God to die on the cross for our sins so that we may become followers of Christ, or Christians, will see the reward of heaven.

Like Wize said you dont have to accept it at all. I pray that you do,because I would like to see all my brothers and sisters in the family of Christ. I also pray that you open your heart to the truth.

1 in Christ,


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