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Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Jennifer Durham
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Date Posted: 23:26:25 05/01/02 Wed
In reply to: Latoya Griffith 's message, "Segregated housing at UD" on 22:41:42 05/01/02 Wed

I think it is just the fact that we have been socialized so much that everybody now conforms to the rolls that society tells us to. In my opinion, whites, blacks, latinos, and everyone else leave change to the next person and are afraid to make real steps. If you want to integrate campus u have to integrate the world. UD does not represent society accurately in regards to proportions of minorities, but it does reflect similar mainly white campuses. It is going to take everyone to befriend opposite races to make UD's campus integrated. And the sad thing is when some do integrate, they are said to be denying their race. If a black man lives on South Campus, people assume he "acts" white or dates white girls. People sterotype people and a lot of the time just plan out hate on people. So i believe if u want a difference then u move to one part of campus with few black fold ei. south and u make the difference yourself and encourage others to also.

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[> Subject: Re: Segregated housing at UD

Jennifer Davis
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Date Posted: 05:37:26 05/02/02 Thu

Being that the housing assignments just came out, one of my black friends on campus and myself were discussing our assignments for next year. When I told her that I was living on South Central Campus she said, "Why are you living there? 'South Central Campus' is so far away." I replied "How is 'South Central Campus' far? It is close to all of my classes, the library and the Engineering departments." She said that it may be close to classes but that its far from EVERYONE ELSE. I could have sworn that we are all mainly here for an education. Being socially active is a must because we are social creatures, so that is not (should not be) a main focus of going to a University. We do need to integrate other parts of campus. The reason black people gravitate towards Laird campus is because that is what they are told. That is also where many black events are held which is completely unfair. There are other areas of this campus that are not just as nice as living on Laird campus, and for some are less distractive. It also bad that many black people do not know of any other dorms with the exception of West and Laird Campus. They have fallen victim to the modernized segregation that society has created.

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