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Date Posted: 12:41:17 01/08/03 Wed
>hi back again after a short absence.I come back and
>read all this rubbish Rob gould is not just a good
>player but class and if you put him against jimmy on
>paper i,d say who the f--k is jimmy carney as for this
>other guy who thinks hes m,mouse well whats he ever
>done in his lifetime (won a few games of pool in a
>lunch hour)rob has been around for years and won alot
>of things that some of you only dream about! so good
>on ya rob ive got my money on ya
After three days of this i thought i would give my opinion, firstly the challenge, well i am not that petty to give in to a stupid challenge, i play pool maybe twice a week, for fun, so have no intention whatsoever in playing Rob Gould. I have never said you are a mickey mouse player, most people who know me, will tell you all that if i have a problem with a player or anyone, then i say it, i dont hide.
The only person who has spoken any sense in this is Dutch.........thanks mate, he is right, i have no idea who anyone else is posting about this, nor do i really care who you for you Slow Worm, well you seem to have taken this a little too personally.....well all i can say is GROW UP. this is a little forum on OUR WEBSITE, yes the ZEDS, where light fun and humour is supposed to be taking place, not stupid insulting comments, if your so brave, identify yourself......but then your prob wont, as you are able to hide behind the name of Slow Worm....yeah good one.
Dont insult me, dont insult my mate..... like i said if you are that brave, identify yourself DONT HIDE!!!!!!!
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