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Date Posted: 00:47:36 05/20/02 Mon
Author: Ghost of Orontius Fineus
Subject: Wrong!
In reply to: Don Barone 's message, "The ( Not So ) Ancient Maps: The South Pole" on 07:13:51 05/15/02 Wed

"Please have a look at this map and see. It is called The Buache Map and it plainly shows two massive ice sheets and this is what appeared on all the early maps that show a large supposed continent in The Southern Hemisphere.:"

The Bauche Map is from the 18th century, but more than 200 years earlier Orontius Fineus produced a map which showed Antarctica very much as it appears on modern maps. Not only that, it showed mountains where they are currently known to exist as well as rivers, now presumeably buried under ice. The only beef about this map is that it is skewed 20* & represents the continent as larger than it indeed is....otherwise it's a very fair representation of Antarctica from 1531. There is also the notorious Piri Re'is map from 1513, make of it what you will. In any case, your statement that no older maps show anything besides ice is incorrect.

>I would like you all to take a look at this map and
>look at it very closely. For many years this map has
>been used by those considered on the fringe to support
>their claims of another continent either Atlantis but
>more than likely Lemuria. But they have all
>intrepreted this map wrong my friends for this is not
>at all a land mass. There are no mountains, no towns
>and most importantly no rivers or indentations of any
>sort yet it seems to have been circumnavigated. It can
>only be one thing my friends. IT IS ICE !
>Please have a look at this map and see. It is called
>The Buache Map and it plainly shows two massive ice
>sheets and this is what appeared on all the early maps
>that show a large supposed continent in The Southern
><img src="">
>In Love and The Light
><img src="">
>Don Barone

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