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Subject: ^You've Got Me Good^

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Date Posted: 00:32:26 09/22/03 Mon
In reply to: Tumbler+Freb 's message, "+Make It Hurt+/:\Suicide Solution/:\" on 23:35:20 09/21/03 Sun

^She lept forward as he sat down, but at his words she stopped. Alarm shown upon her face as she heard of Iason and Zaine killing someone she loved, or atleast resepcted...Hands clenched in her long strands as she started to pace. She contiued to listen to him as he spoke, looking to him with blue gaze, her green orbs still hidden from sight for the time^ 'What about Angelina?' ^She finally asked, the female had helped her alot in Freb's absence, she only hoped she was doing okay. But what to do with the men...Zaine and Iason. She had sort of thought they'd gotten the idea that they couldn't keep showing up asking about her. She'd find them when she had the time or could. Not behind Freb's back, merely not when everyone was sooo stressed. Sighs as she felt like screaming and crying all at once. She didn't know what to do with her past, nor where her future lay. Was it with Freb or was she to screwed up to get that sort of chance. She didn't know. She really truly didn't know^

(I think its great...and just so ya'll know. Iason and Zaine are still allowed in CA. I mean they are banned from there....and their players are cool. Given what is going on with everyone else aint cool. I just hope ya'll aren't mad at me)

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/:\Suicide Solution/:\Freb00:46:40 09/22/03 Mon

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