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Date Posted: 22:30:20 08/08/02 Thu
Author: Kituka
Author Host/IP: c1-1e025.neo.lrun.com /
Subject: Re: marcus paus-a search for truth!
In reply to: James.A.Boyd 's message, "Re: marcus paus-a search for truth!" on 18:18:39 07/10/02 Wed

Mr. Boyd, I've done my research and I went out and listened to our boy Paus' "music" (if you can call it that- what it is (all of it)is masturbatory noise). He is NOWHERE near Lane in overall technique. NOWHERE.

A friend of mine taped the "42 NPS" record on tv in Norway. What it was was just a super-simple run with repeating notes. Booo hooo...and here I was thinking this guy could pick a Steve Morse-like alternate picking run with 42 clean notes per second. Yea right.

Not just that, but he is without a doubt the sloppiest wanker I HAVE EVER HEARD. Rusty Cooley comes across as a clean player after listening to Paus "music."

If I remember correctly, you said Paus can pick Shawn's stuff 5X faster than Shawn. Lay off the crack pipe NOW. Paus couldn't come even close to Lane's speed (and keep it clean, at that) while playing Lane's super-complex runs.

I'll leave you with a true story about Paus at GIT. This is from the petrucci.com forums and was posted by JonBjork):

" When I was a student at G.I.T in 95-96 Marcus was a student there for a few months.

He acted like an asshole and kept bragging about his world record until one day in an open counseling session with T.J Helmerich (who also was Marcus private instructor) got fed up with his bad attitude.

Marcus said something like "I´m like Shawn Lane on speed" which REALLY ticked T.J off since he has played with Shawn and considered him a friend.

The thing is that Marcus always carried around his ADAMP-2 preamp to all the open counselings he went too, instead of using the regular distortion that was provided in the selection of Marshalls, Mesa Boogies and Peaveys that all the other students AND teachers used for teaching/jamming.

So to make a long story short T.J simply unplugged Marcus preamp and plugged him into one of the Marshalls and asked him to play his "shawn lane on speed super licks", the sound that came out was to put it mildly...a stuttering mess.

After that T.J asked him to play even 16th notes at around 100-120 bpm (don´t recall the exact bpm, but it was fairly slow) which he also had very big problems with, which shouldn´t be a problem for a supposed world record holder in picking.

Marcus uttered a priceless comment after the failed "tests": "I´m playing so fast that the tubes in the amp can´t pick up all the notes" this became the standard phrase around the school after that...everytime anyone would play something wrong that brilliant excuse was used...even T.J used it once in a clinic a couple of weeks after this incident

Now the reason T.J did this to Marcus wasn´t to be mean to him, just to make him realise that he´s been fooling himself all along and needed to make a fresh start on the guitar.

When Marcus played slowly he actually had a decent vibrato and pretty good phrasing, but that "world record" of his screwed up his head and ego abit.

I know some of you are thinking "well...how come he is in the Guinness book of records then?"

Marcus claimed that the Guinness guys had checked the soundfile with a computer that counted how many notes there were.
T.J´s theory was that the computer can hardly tell the difference between a cleanly picked note or various overtones, noises etc...that will pop up regardless if you hit the intended note cleanly or not.

I heard he´s studying music in a conservatory now, that´s great to hear because he IS talented, but he´s definetly not "SHAWN LANE ON SPEED!!!!"

>hi all
>yeah he is fairly over the top, but you only have to
>check out some of shawns live stuff to realize that he
>somtimes goes over the top as well. When you have an
>above average technique it is quite fun just to do
>somthing ridiculous once and a while. Not only that
>but remember marcus paus was 17yrs old when he
>recorded those tracks.
>is there any need to be quite so harsh, can you
>compose, do you have a better technique than paus?- I
>seriously doubt it, he can play most of shawns stuff,
>dream theater, and malmsteen licks about 5 times as
>fast in his sleep so get off your high horse!!
>my bet is you have an average technique, so you
>critisize others that do not-how sad!!

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