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Date Posted: 21:14:50 09/01/05 Thu
Author: KathyT
Subject: My thoughts..
In reply to: Jean 's message, "well......." on 18:55:11 09/01/05 Thu

I've been exceptionally busy lately... I had to hold an auction of 18 units that had severely defaulted on their payments.... wow, is there a ton of work to do... document everything.. phone calls, inventories, pictures... then 3 of the units were so full of trash no one wanted to buy them. So my hubby and I get to haul the stuff off. I've worked until 10 three days this week!

I get the next four days off! Yeehaw!

You know, I don't think ACCEPTING aid from the government is wrong at all. But aid given is generally money taken involuntarily from someone's pocket, so I'm not for that. However, as you look at the people being saved from roof-tops... well, it's impossible to want the government to cease and desist saving them. Where is the line??? It is something not totally clear in my mind.

I know one thing. This is definately one of those times when a person like myself, who believes in the plan of free agency, to say, "put up or shut up." Can I say "God wants me to be free to CHOOSE ao help others or not?" and do nothing? No way. A thinking Christian is compelled to help, and for some of us that might mean not eating out, or even eating macaroni and cheese instead of meat... but to do nothing would make me uncomfortable to look my savior in the eye. In this kind of crisis, one cannot simply say, "If I had it to give, I would." I think one must FIND it to give.


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