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Date Posted: 07:46:56 07/01/02 Mon
Author: Sa�i, Yyaln, Ciarta, Qqali, Rakor�
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Subject: .b.i.r.t.h.
In reply to: Cass 's message, "[one more test]" on 12:19:34 06/30/02 Sun

. the shapeshifter had gone on to other places, other things, other adventures . it was a long while until the sandy loam begam to move . it moved slowly, and the beach was solitary, for the turtles which had been so prevalent had now left, the season of creating new life was over . now, 'twas time for that new life to begin itself . the ground quaked in one particular area first . the mound shivered, small granules of sand falling to the wayside, the covering of protection falling away as the pint-sized turtles made their way into the sunlight . there were many, many turtles . other broods began to hatch as well, and the once-solitary beach was covered with younglings . as was the way, many did not make it to the safety of blue liquid . from one particular batch, which was unusual because of the maternal, there were 15 . these fifteen - 9 females and 6 males - made their way to safety and swam away from the shore for a time, seeking refuge . out of the entire group of many, the 15 found safety . that did not last long . the less alert of the group included 4 of the males - go figure, most of the males were the less alert - and 3 of the females . they returned to shore, for reasons none may ever know . they were soon gone with the rest, leaving the remaining 8 to learn from their mistakes . there were now six females and two males . a good number, apparently . not all would survive, many would flounder in this new world, as small as they were . in yet another week, the numbers were reduced - four females and a male . these five were able to survive, and they grew quickly, safety was in numbers and size . the five shall be presented as such noted: Sa�i, Yyaln, Ciarta, and Qqali, the females, and Rakor�, the male . these were the turtles of creoto .

.come in all shapes and sizes.
.a second too soon, a second too late.
.and what ends up bad could have been great.
.oh well, you missed your chance.

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