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Date Posted: 16:08:00 07/02/02 Tue
Author: Rakoré and Saši
Author Host/IP:
Subject: .now you see us.
In reply to: Saši, Yyaln, Ciarta, Qqali, Rakoré 's message, ".b.i.r.t.h." on 07:46:56 07/01/02 Mon

.now you don't.

. two turtles basked in the sun of the sandy beach, rubbery flippers spread t' gather as much warmth as possible . ah, the sun! such glory it held to their young minds .
. but there was something wrong . one - a female named Saši realised . this wasn't how it was meant to be . yes, how glorious this was, to feel the sun on her skin, but something deep within called her and she felt a yearning in her tiny heart .
. clambering into an upright position (as upright as a tutle can get) Saši gazed at the huge expanse of water before her and suddenly a longing struck her . what joy, to surf the warm waters! to scale the coral cliffs! . and then, without a moments hesitation, she scrambled forth across the golden sands, making ehr steady way towards the ocean . here, she would return someday, but she was going out into the world! .
. awoken by his sister's movements, Rakoré stirred in his sleep, blearily opening one eye in time to see his sister scrambling across the sand . panic struck up in his heart, for he loved her dearly, and had somehow connected with her, more that his other siblings .
. with a turtle-wail, he struggled from the drowzing mass of turtlings, and 'ran' down the beach after her, slipping into the water without second thought and smaking a flipper on her shell .
. she turned around, sending a stream of bubbles from her beak as she tried to acknowledge his presense, before turning back to the great beyond . the two moved with suprising ease through the water, rising to breath and surf the waves, all the while the island got smaller and smaller behind them .

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  • .now you see us. -- Rakoré and Saši, 16:09:00 07/02/02 Tue

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