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Subject: Re: Need help with information on helping abused dog

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Date Posted: 11:53:03 09/29/09 Tue
In reply to: mayra 's message, "Need help with information on helping abused dog" on 13:30:41 09/26/09 Sat

First bless you for taking this little one in and giving her the love and care she needs & deserves. I have had several dogs over the years with dry eye and it can be very manageable. The extent of the ulceration (and the length of time it was ulcerated) will dictate a lot with long term care. As Bunny indicated, it depends on the severity of the dry eye condition what treatment is indicated. I've had them where they simply need OTC human dry eye meds a couple of times a day, to one that needed the pilocarpine & tacrilomous and OTC meds. I have a young male right now, he's about 16 months old with closed ear canal in one ear and severe dry eye in both eyes. He requires pilocarpine 2x/day, tacrilomous 2x/day, and OTC drops/ointment a minimum of 3 times per day. At this point, the focus should be concentrating on healing the ulceration, and taking it step by step thereafter.

I'm not quite understanding what you are referring to with her skin. I take it she has severe scarring of some sort on her back from over exposure. Does this seem to hurt her? Much of this could be also be due to a poor diet. I would immediately get her on a high quality, grain free diet, and would even consider switching her over a raw diet (you can buy frozen raw patties, has everything already ground up, you just thaw and serve). I would also consider getting her on a good skin care regimen to include bathing & moisturizing. Be sure you don't use anything with lanolin; emu oil lotions are good, as is plain old olive oil or almond oil. If I'm misunderstanding the extent of the skin issues, please by all means let me know.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Need help with information on helping abused dogJane Walbridge (Helpful)05:59:45 11/27/09 Fri

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