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Subject: operating system not found

Antone P. Flores
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Date Posted: 11:18:42 02/06/01 Tue

My laptop computer does not boot. It hangs up displaying the message "OPERATING SYSTEM NOT FOUND". It has windows 95 as the oprating system. Below are the various attempts to restore the boot process.

1. Booting using the emergency startup disk in the floppy disk drive (drive A). The same meassage displayed,
note: The floppy drive make a distinctive click at equal
at equal interval (second apart).
2. Entered setup and change the boot sequence to Hard drive only (drive C). The same message displayed.

3. I tried to upgrade it to windows 98. Using the windows 98 setup disk stll produces the same message.

Is my suspicion correct to label the pronblem to the dead CMOS battery?

Appreciate you reply on this matter.

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Subject Author Date
Re: operating system not foundShane Huddleston09:12:34 02/08/01 Thu

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