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Subject: IBM Laptop Power Connector Problems

Rick Kosbab
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Date Posted: 20:03:32 02/06/01 Tue

First off, let me say this, i bought this laptop for around 2,500 direct from IBM. It is a IBM Thinkpad 1400 series. Honistly i wish i would have considered this purchase more. i have had it for about a year. I have had to send it back to repair the power connector, keyboard and floppy drive. keyboard was my fault, a bit of condisation from the glass driped into the keyboard, and shorted my page up key. the power connector is the WORST in my opinion, its the cylinder style, and the problem is that its always under stress some how. Now im starting to get the same type of problems i got before i sent it in last time, most of the time the computer will beep at me when the power connector moves then it starts draning the batterie. Needless to say, this gets quite annoying. Now here is my question, has anyone taken a ibm laptop apart? was it easy/hard? i doubt its under warrnty any more and there are a few other things i would like to try and fix on it. Thanks alot!

Rick Kosbab

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