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Date Posted: 17:42:09 04/06/03 Sun
Author: Bison Rule
Subject: Re: AU Men's BB Recruits
In reply to: AU Josh H 's message, "AU Men's BB Recruits" on 15:12:12 04/04/03 Fri

Bucknell and Lehigh were both interested in Billbe as were several Ivy's. His stock rose during the season and others such as Portland and Eastern Washington got more interested. He had a very limited role until this year, but seems to have blossomed as a scorer this season.

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[> Re: AU Men's BB Recruits -- matt b, 13:43:53 04/17/03 Thu

I don't know anything about Billbe. Here's what I do know:

Lewis went to HS at Saint Vincent Saint Mary's (i.e. he played with LeBron), and graduated last year. He spent a year at the IMG Academy, which caters to yougn athletes of all different sports (most notably tennis). Coach Jones seems to like fifth year players, as Jaamal Caterina took an extra year to work on his game as well (at Brewster Academy if I remember right).

Lekavicius and Souleymane went the same route, attending prep school this year. Here's an article on him, apparently he was recruited by ACC schools?:

I am now imagining a team on the AU floor in a couple of years that starts 3 eastern europeans- Lekavicius, Cresnik, and Petrauskas. It could happen. Hell, maybe Ryan Graham could start and American University would only have one American citizen on the court. ;) The Post did an excellent story on our international recruiting last month: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A53730-2003Mar6¬Found=true

Souleymane is from the Central African Republic originally. From prepstars: Laurinburg Prep (N.C.) 6-9, 200-pound senior Asrangue Souleymane likes George Washington, Seton Hall, South Alabama, South Carolina, VCU and LSU. He and Lewis are on the hoop scoop top 100 5th year players list, whatever that might mean: http://www.hoopscooponline.com/members/Class2003-5thyearplayerrankings.html

...and there we go. Should be fun to watch these guys.

matt b

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[> [> Re: AU Men's BB Recruits -- AU rocks, 10:10:11 04/21/03 Mon

This guy Lekavicius looks like the second coming of Nate Smith.

Also, I saw Jarrod Kohl at many of AU's games this year. As a freshman, I recognize he wasn't expected to get a good deal of playing time but he looked MUCH closer to 6'7'' than 6'10''. Not a bad thing, but it would be awesome to have some guys who could look eye to eye with Holy Cross' guys. (No offense to Jernavis, Raimondas, and Matej....great season for these guys).

Anyone know what the story is on this guy Souleymane? I heard he verbally committed and now he is backing out.

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