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Date Posted: 17:44:15 05/29/03 Thu
Author: matt b
Subject: Another on Ingram
In reply to: AU Josh H 's message, "AU Men's BB Recruits" on 15:12:12 04/04/03 Fri

Richmond Times Dispatch (Virginia)

April 23, 2003 Wednesday City Edition


LENGTH: 188 words


BYLINE: Stephen M. Lewis,

* Class: Senior

* Age: 17

* GPA: 4.0

* March achievements: Selected as Group AAA state player of the year and captain of state championship basketball team. Chosen first-team all-region, first-team All-Metro and Capital District player of the year for second consecutive year. Played in Commonwealth vs. Dominion all-star game.

* Other athletic accomplishments: First team all-Capital District in volleyball.

* Quotable: "I think that if he were an automobile he'd be a combination of a Hummer, a Mercedes Benz and a Jeep Cherokee because he's so well-rounded." - George Lancaster, Highland Springs coach.

* Academic achievements: National Honor Society, Beta Club.

* Extracurricular activities: Referee of Medford League basketball games.

* College plans: To play basketball at a Division I school.

* Favorite subject: Math.

* Key to sports success: "Determination. The passion for the game and the will to succeed."

* Key to academic success: "Staying focused. Always remembering that academics come first."

* Goal in life: "To be successful in whatever I end up doing

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