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Subject: Re: Just a question about a spell

Ocean Starr
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Date Posted: 09:17:20 04/04/03 Fri
In reply to: Black_Wolf 's message, "Just a question about a spell" on 05:09:51 04/04/03 Fri

No Black Wolf, I've never heard of this kind of thing. Normally, spells are simply a way of producing and sending energy.... you can send negative as well as postive energy to anyone. It really takes some fine tuning though, I once sent some bad ju-ju to my neighbor accross the street... but I over shot and the woman on the next street right behind the one I wanted gone, left her husband 3 days later...oops. I honestly believe that the spell itself with all the candles and herbs are a way of keeping our hands busy while our mind does it's job. The smell of a yukky herb (like dill seed) can help you produce negative while the good smelling stuff (like sandlewood) can produce good energy. As far as pushing energy out of your hand to hit someone, well, you definately CAN do it and the person may feel something emotionally but I've never seen it knock someone off their feet like in Charmed or Buffy.

I hope I helped you but if you have any questions, feel free to ask, I'm always here!!

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Subject Author Date
The Mind Does The WorkWallace11:59:16 04/04/03 Fri
    Re: The Mind Does The WorkBlack_Wolf04:44:19 04/07/03 Mon
    Re: The Mind Does The WorkBlack_Wolf04:46:00 04/07/03 Mon

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