Subject: The Mind Does The Work |
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Date Posted: 11:59:16 04/04/03 Fri
In reply to:
's message, "Just a question about a spell" on 05:09:51 04/04/03 Fri
As Ocean Starr pointed out, it is one's mind that does the work of magic. Magic, simply defined, is Triumph of the Will. That definition should suggest an example of some powerful though ultimately failed magic that was attempted during the first half of the last century. If you do not understand what I'm talking about, look here; Another example of magic is the focused collective will at something like a high school football game. All those chants and cheers from the ritually dressed cheer leaders are not all that dissimilar to the chants of a circle. Both serve to focus the will. Besides chants, smells, bells and ritual clothing; symbol, language, direction and location can serve to focus the mind thus focusing the will and the energy the will commands. There are plenty of historical examples of the use of magic without having to resort to the stories of Sabrina, Charmed, or Dragonball Z. To be sure, magic can be employed toward some more deadly serious goals than an athletic contest or dragon wings (my personal opinion is that aircraft fly better than dragons anyway). Everything humanity or Divinity has ever done has been preceeded by the marshalling of the will. Thought, preceeds word, preceeds deed, or as the Christians might say, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was with God."
As many Pagans draw our concept of Divinity from nature, considering nature the most accurate revelation of Divinity, we often view our magic in terms of the natural rather than the supernatural as well. Human technology, to many of us, is no less natural than a termite mound, bird's nest, or wolf's claw. As previously mentioned in the comparison between the dragon and the aircraft, human artifact is often superior to that found in other species. If it is your desire to push balls of fire around a la Dragonball Z, I'd suggest you purchase a flame thrower. It's much more effective and would probably settle any fights before they began. This link will explain some of the advances the Soviet/Russian Army has made in the area of fuel/air weapons. For lycanthrope claws I'd recommend a good set of crampons. They run about $35-50 and can be found here; Crampons would probably also help a lot in a fight but I doubt they'd do your parents' floors any good.
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