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lucid hysteria
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Date Posted: 02:41:36 09/27/04 Mon
In reply to: Matt 's message, "MORTAL REALLY IS MORTAL" on 20:47:39 09/24/04 Fri

>I think Mortal is really dead. This includes Fold
>Zandura and everything else. I doubt Jyro is ever
>going to release another album...and with the website
>gone, there's no community. Goodbye Mortal...it was
>fun to have you around.

The website's not gone - it will soon be back, and hopefully the community with it!

As for whether or not Jyro and Jerome will ever get together for another project... that certainly is unclear (and if they do, it won't be anytime soon, since Jerome's so busy with Switchfoot and Jyro with... Crystal Lewis and whatever else, I suppose).

But don't you worry about foldzan.com; I'll have more on that for you within the next week, hopefully.

Sorry to show up all of a sudden, and so cryptically - I hadn't realized there was a forum here until recently. I don't know if any of you remember me from the official forums before they went down, but I posted there occasionally and, like the rest of you, I shutter to think of FoldZan/Mortal fading into obscurity on the world wide web (or anywhere else!).

Just hang in there - I assure you foldzan.com will return, and with any luck, it will be better than ever...

(trust the stranger; I'll be back soon)

"tomorrow's still returning - let go of what you know..."

- lucid hysteria

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Re: MORTAL REALLY IS MORTALxavier21:36:01 09/28/04 Tue

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