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Date Posted: 16:00:30 08/03/17 Thu
Author: F-refer
Subject: The Lulu poem (about the opera)

I memorized it as a teenager, but thirty-ish years later my memory is fading.


Lulu, a whore, has married someone wealthy
A doctor, rather old but fairly healthy
Who's later struck down by a heart attack
Brought on by finding Lulu on her back
Beneath an artist whom she later marries
This second matrimonial try miscarries
Things don't work out with husband number three
She has this awful yearning to be free
And when the old guy finds her with his son
She shoots the bastard with a handy gun
When jailed for expediting his decease
A lesbian countess wrangles her release
? [I think there are two lines which fit in here...
? but I've forgotten them]
In Paris as a super-concubine
It seems at last that things are going fine
Until her pimp, determined to affront her,
Flogs her off cheaply to an Arab punter
? [ } (to escape), she flees
To London, with three lovers, if you please
The countess and two men, but who does what
To whom, and where - we're told, well, not a lot
When cash-flow problems call for a solution
She takes up her old trade of prostitution
And goes off with a client- - Jack The Ripper
It does not take him very long to kipper
The luckless Lulu and the countess too!
Ring down the curtain! That, we think, will do!
(It's not an evening full of light and laughter
In fact, if entertainment's what you're after
Or if, perhaps, you're easily upset
The Other Lulu's much the better bet!)

Now can someone please help me by:
(a) filling in the two-and-a-half missing lines, and
(b) reminding me who actually wrote it?

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