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Date Posted: 17:35:00 07/07/02 Sun
Author: Shadowed fate
Subject: ‡Past‡
In reply to: Shade 's message, "|Fear Me|" on 15:09:23 07/07/02 Sun

My past I will try to remeber all I can.
Let's see ahhh got it. The first five year's of my life were quite dull. The sixth my family killed by friends and if those are friend you must think what enemys must be like.
Well back to the story I was the only survivor , But since I was adult I could take care of my self so I found a place called Santinle. A place with few other dragon's but ton's of animals and those dreaded things called humans. I soon grew up to my more adult looks and strengths. I also found how much pleasure it is to kill. This time I was about eight and blood thursty. I went back to the place I was born How could I forget it the smell of decaying bodys. I killed most of the dragons there with surtain pleasure.
Last dragon I killed slashed her throat and tore her heart out of her body. No one ever heard from that place again. I still wandered around finding Havoc's that welcomed me to there village.What was strange was I never heard of good havocs. I came soon to hate them And the light rays they called wings so i killed them. There was one still alive though Darthen there strongest warrior I was weird seeing how much power a hybrid had. It was a strugle for days.
He was skilled in both arts magic and combat , but there was somthing he did not expect. The thing was the power of evil. As I was throwing my last slash twoards his heart he casted a spell that made him dissapear. That is why I am probably here to find my true adversary but something stoped me here and I don't know why. I know Darthen is not here but something unknown to me is going to happen I could just feel it.

His face lost all expression then lite back up again.

Well that is all I can remeber. Your turn what about your self.

He asked.

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