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Date Posted: 20:22:34 07/07/02 Sun
Author: Shades
Subject: |Fear me|
In reply to: Shadowed fate 's message, "‡Past‡" on 17:35:00 07/07/02 Sun

The femme listens intently, pleasure spreading on her face as he speaks of kills. It darkens momentarily as he askes of her but then it flashes back to her usual smirk.

Well, myself. This may be confusing...I was born as a dragon, no sub breed, a true dragoness. I was killed brutally in my early youth my a cowardly light, she took me in my sleep. My angered soul took on a shade form, a true undead. My newfound powers served me well, I stole the lights body and disposed of her, I threw her off a cliff. Forced her to I should say. Then the search for a worthy body came upon me. I went through many bodies and killed many souls, those were the days, before coming onto this one. For some reason, I took to the body and decided that killing the flesh was much more fun. Wandering the plains of exsistance, killing and destroying, I came upon this place and decided to rest, at least for awhile.

She sneers and then smirks again.

That is my story, in short of course...

((Fate I will be gone for a couple days, so please try to find more members and stay sane while I'm gone. ^_^))

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