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Date Posted: 22:33:39 09/19/02 Thu
Author: Dith Wra
Subject: MY kingdom ya puffed up futuristic windbag
In reply to: Lady Milandra 's message, ".turn.the.page." on 18:51:58 09/19/02 Thu

The heavily armored King walks up behind Adrian and places his massive gauntleted fist on his shoulder.

"Steady on there chap, none of that kind of talk, you have friends hee, powerful ones, best to let us help so you dont go about gettin yourself...dismembered into tiny kibbles and scientist bits, then eaten. If that happened it would be bad because i would of lose another friend and on a more logical side, your the only one with knowledge of these critters. Best to hide behind my wife's magic, mine and my betrothed sister's swordplay,hell even that one is probably useful so you have time to use that fancy gadget. Lone heros usually end up dead fools but a team of heroes....is the stuff of legends."

Dith stands tall gazing at Adrian, letting his words sink in.

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