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Subject: Aspen Omelette

~* Arnold
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Date Posted: 07:43:56 07/30/02 Tue
In reply to: ~* Arnold 's message, "Recipes" on 16:10:00 07/25/02 Thu

A dish I made up in days gone by when I lived near Aspen...good breakfast dish

Aspen Omelette

3 eggs (medium-large) brown or white
2-3 stalks celery (cut in slivers)
1/2 stalk green onion
1/4 cup (handfull) mozarella cheese or provolene or other light cheese
small amount of sliced turkey or bologna style turkey sliced

2-3 sprigs (large twigs) "fresh" thyme is best
otherwise use 1 teaspoon ground thyme.
pinch tarragon
pinch black pepper
pinch sea salt
1/4 cup water
dash of milk (skim is best)
2 tablespoons oil/butter
1-2 tablespoon of cream cheese/sour cream/yogurt/or cottage cheese
First vigorously beat three eggs in a bowl. Add water and dash of milk (contrary to belief the best omelettes are with water to make it sturdier....you use milk for "scrambled" eggs to make it fluffier.) Cut celery and green onion stalks longwise, first cut half strips than make it into 1/8 inch wide strips. Than cut these strips into 1 inch long strips (kind of like half length toothpicks that are wide) Than put frying pan (omelette pan best) on stove on medium heat. Add oil or butter and once warm or melted cook eggs. Let it hardened somewhat before attemepting to add stuff. First ingredient on top should be the mozarrella cheese. Spread around in middle berth of egg mixture. This is important because you will need edges to fold in so less material there is better. Than add celery, green onion, turkey (if wanted should be sliced in slivers too). Than add pinch of salt, tarragon, black pepper. Put half cream cheese or other listed above in center. Put half the leaves sprigs of thyme (break each off by yanking away from branch) in center. When omlette edges can be folded up when hardened enough do so. Use a large spatula and fold one side first over. And then second. Use a little cream cheese of second half to act like glue to hold the two folds. Sprinkle the rest of the thyme and cream cheese on top. Make sure egg is cooked. No need to flip this style (Crepe style almost) Turn off heat, remove from heat having plate ready slide omlette off pan. Cut into thirds. Garnish with a strawberry or pineapple or small fennel leaf. Fun dish to cook for friends they'll think you're born as a chef.
Variations: use fresh parsley instead of thyme

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