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Subject: Re: Superman Triumphant

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Date Posted: 02:38:24 08/24/04 Tue
In reply to: Jimmy Olsen 's message, "Superman Triumphant" on 18:11:02 07/26/04 Mon

Whew, first of all Jimmy, let me just say that the fight that you have brought through the threshold of this forum is a battle that is worthy only to be fought by titans!! Hurling such firey, and original insults such as "Asshole" and "Dickhead" clearly gives you the upper hand in this verbal crossfire! How do these other people stand up against you in this forum??? Hoo boy, if the "Batfreak" were pitted against YOU one on one, he would probably just run back home to the bat cave in tears from hearing such stinging insults. And to think that people actually come to THIS board, thinking that they are intitled to thier own opinions!! Oh man, are they fooling themselves.

Listen Jimmy, your argument here has little to no substance, and you clearly have a fixation with homosexuality. First of all, let me ask you where you get off just showing up here, slinging your crap on this board like your viewpoint is the only one that matters? This forum was undoubtedly designed to promote a discussion of OPINIONS about FICTIONAL CHARACTERS, and you have taken it upon yourself to turn it into a flame board. You've obviously got some serious personal security issues if you're taking so much personal offense at sombody disagreeing with your opinion, let alone attacking your idol. Every other one of these posts on this page is trying to rationalize an opinoin, and you have merely been slinging crappy and shallow insults left and right. The crap you have spewed on this thread his hardly that of a person of intelligence... you could be more likened to a dog that has thrown up, and then staunchly defends his vomit when his owner tries to clean it up. Let me now take this time to expose a flaw in your argument. You've been violently pushing this idea of "Fair fighting" between the two combatants, and you absolutely insist that If Batman diddn't use kryptonite that the odds would be evened. Tell me, wouldn't it be more even if Superman diddn't have any powers too... hmm??? Pitted against one another on those terms, it would really boil down to who had the better knowledge of fighting technique. OOHHH but you would say that superman should be allowed to use his powers, wouldn't you?? Well then, if that's the case... and I realize that i'm putting words in your mouth here, Then why the hell shouldn't batman use kryptonite???? It's like two armies getting ready to do battle. if the only objective is to win, and If one military placement has a serious weakness, the other would be a fool not to exploit it.

So my advice to you, Jim ol' boy, is If you want people to respect your opinions then you've got to respect thiers. So sit your ass down, have some dip, and chill out, cause blowing off your excess steam here is not doing anybody any good. I'm going to quote you replying to Andrew saying, "Do your research, asswipe." All I can say to you is, do YOUR research, then wipe your ass, cause right now, you're about as full of shite as they come.

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[> Subject: Re: Superman Triumphant

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Date Posted: 05:26:38 08/24/04 Tue

Jimmy Olsen, I have beheld your creative majesty and was awestruck. Obviously a rhetorician of your caliber is having his abilities atrophy on a topic of this mundane nature. I was absolutely won over by you gay argument regarding Batman. It was a missive of such great power that I don’t see any way of refuting your reasonable argument over a fake scenario, you have truly set up a brick wall.
Seriously I find it utterly hilarious that you seem to have this superior ire about yourself, and I am struggling to find out where it is coming from. You seem to imagine your self king of a fictitious realm, spouting out stats about a FAKE scenario regarding FAKE characters, misleading yourself into thinking that you have some control over an argument that is designed to entertain “SANE” comic enthusiasts. You know sane in the fact that they are not preoccupied with the anus, or with child molestation. When in actuality you sit upon your sperm crusted ergonomic throne surrounded by you “Justice League” cardboard cut outs (All with holes sawn into their rear ends for your satisfaction) pounding out you hatful diatribes whilst you consult the Homo-erotic lithographs you own, depicting the Flash cleaning out Dolph Lundgren, in an attempt to insult people who are engaged in this discussion strictly for entertainment purposes. Honestly if all of your post were meant to strictly insult people could you at lest try and broaden your insults out a bit. Or has your fellatio addled mind rendered you incapable of doing so.
Oh and one more thing, not being a comic man myself and since you where discussing which character looks more queer. I would have to say that greased coif and crotch augmenting banana warmer that Super man sports are more tell tale signs of a character who dreams of having his anus riffled by another man, just an outsider’s opinion.
And Olsen, real classy Russian slur you had against Mikeal. If I were to use the same model for insults, I would admonish you to flee back to what ever fjord you came from and go back to mouthing Sven the Longshoreman’s sack, Just a suggestion.
>What if the situation were reversed, and Superman had
>Batman severely weakened? Still think that damned
>pointy-eared freak would win? Everyone knows that
>Batbitch is out of his league, hell, he even knows it.
>That's why kryptonite is like an American Express card
>with him. Don't leave home without it. So in essence,
>when Batman has drained Superman to near death with
>his little kryptonite ring, then he would win. But is
>that what you so-called champions of good want to see.
>That doesn't surprise me. Your kind treated Jesus the
>same way. And all he ever did was good. Why would it
>be different for Superman, a character who lives to
>help people. He could just as easily use his powers to
>enslave this planet if he so wanted. There wouldn't be
>a damned thing Batdick or anyone else could do about
>it. But a fair fight is exactly that, a fair fight.
>Superman is just too smart and too powerful for
>Bathomo to beat. He would die trying. Cheating is the
>only your guy would stand a chance. But what if
>Superman woke up one morning and suddenly decided he
>wanted to play down and dirty too? All it would take
>is flying into space, grabbing an asteroid, and
>hurling it at Wayne Manor. Your Batfreak would never
>knew what hit him. So show some damned respect and
>recognize superiority when you see it. Long Live

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[> [> Subject: Re: Superman Triumphant

man of steel
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Date Posted: 14:59:41 02/08/05 Tue

>Jimmy Olsen, I have beheld your creative majesty and
>was awestruck. Obviously a rhetorician of your caliber
>is having his abilities atrophy on a topic of this
>mundane nature. I was absolutely won over by you gay
>argument regarding Batman. It was a missive of such
>great power that I don’t see any way of refuting your
>reasonable argument over a fake scenario, you have
>truly set up a brick wall.
> Seriously I find it utterly hilarious that you seem
>to have this superior ire about yourself, and I am
>struggling to find out where it is coming from. You
>seem to imagine your self king of a fictitious realm,
>spouting out stats about a FAKE scenario regarding
>FAKE characters, misleading yourself into thinking
>that you have some control over an argument that is
>designed to entertain “SANE” comic enthusiasts. You
>know sane in the fact that they are not preoccupied
>with the anus, or with child molestation. When in
>actuality you sit upon your sperm crusted ergonomic
>throne surrounded by you “Justice League” cardboard
>cut outs (All with holes sawn into their rear ends for
>your satisfaction) pounding out you hatful diatribes
>whilst you consult the Homo-erotic lithographs you
>own, depicting the Flash cleaning out Dolph Lundgren,
>in an attempt to insult people who are engaged in this
>discussion strictly for entertainment purposes.
>Honestly if all of your post were meant to strictly
>insult people could you at lest try and broaden your
>insults out a bit. Or has your fellatio addled mind
>rendered you incapable of doing so.
>Oh and one more thing, not being a comic man myself
>and since you where discussing which character looks
>more queer. I would have to say that greased coif and
>crotch augmenting banana warmer that Super man sports
>are more tell tale signs of a character who dreams of
>having his anus riffled by another man, just an
>outsider’s opinion.
>And Olsen, real classy Russian slur you had against
>Mikeal. If I were to use the same model for insults, I
>would admonish you to flee back to what ever fjord you
>came from and go back to mouthing Sven the
>Longshoreman’s sack, Just a suggestion.
>>What if the situation were reversed, and Superman had
>>Batman severely weakened? Still think that damned
>>pointy-eared freak would win? Everyone knows that
>>Batbitch is out of his league, hell, he even knows it.
>>That's why kryptonite is like an American Express card
>>with him. Don't leave home without it. So in essence,
>>when Batman has drained Superman to near death with
>>his little kryptonite ring, then he would win. But is
>>that what you so-called champions of good want to see.
>>That doesn't surprise me. Your kind treated Jesus the
>>same way. And all he ever did was good. Why would it
>>be different for Superman, a character who lives to
>>help people. He could just as easily use his powers to
>>enslave this planet if he so wanted. There wouldn't be
>>a damned thing Batdick or anyone else could do about
>>it. But a fair fight is exactly that, a fair fight.
>>Superman is just too smart and too powerful for
>>Bathomo to beat. He would die trying. Cheating is the
>>only your guy would stand a chance. But what if
>>Superman woke up one morning and suddenly decided he
>>wanted to play down and dirty too? All it would take
>>is flying into space, grabbing an asteroid, and
>>hurling it at Wayne Manor. Your Batfreak would never
>>knew what hit him. So show some damned respect and
>>recognize superiority when you see it. Long Live

dear vasily1917,
here is something that puzzles me: exactly why would u go around insulting people with imaginations wen u r just sitting around thinking of superman and all the other comic heroes being fags. why does that seem to be the only thing running through ur mind? is that YOUR dream? cus its not supermans as u say u think. shows how much u know about superman. preaking of which, y do u talk shit of something u r unfirmiliar with? y r u even on this website if u rent a comic fan. do u get ur jollies off the pictures on the front page? i just cant seem to understand ur actions. i think u shud just stay in ur mothers basement and not say anything. DONT MESS WITH THE MAN OF STEEL!!!!!!!!!!!

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