Tiltzie, Leiky, and Zotch (Excited)
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Date Posted: 19:46:56 08/13/06 Sun
**Zotchcum hops excitedly forward, Tiltainzia follows towing Lekeila behind her. Zotchcum grins at you.**
Zotch: Okay, chirp, we decided to get together and tell you all about us. Chirp.
Lekeila: And our family.
Tilt: Well, at least they’re gonna tell ya abou’ their fami’y, I’m jus’ gonna listen.
**Lekeila pulls herself together and starts talking.**
Hi! My full name is Lekeila Wind Treespear, I have five brothers, their names from oldest to youngest are Talfen Suenlay Treespear, Henkay Weelah Treespear, Pafiken Quilly Treespear, Arkleen Demyer Treespear, and-
**Zotch cuts her short.**
ME!! Chirp, Zotchcum, chirp, or Zotch, chirp, or Zotchy, chirp, or Zooty, chirp, or....
Tilt: Okay, okay, we getta picture!
Lekeila: I don’t have any sisters, but I have thirteen first cousins, and one second cousin. My mother’s full name is Galina Venela Treespear, and my father’s name is Tollane Muchtoz Treespear.
**Here Zotchcum interrupts,**
Chirp, I want you to notice, my full name is Zotchcum Tollane Treespear, Tollane is my middle name, it is also my father’s first name, and his middle name is my first name turned backwards, except my name has one added letter: the first C.
**Tiltainzia smiles at Zotch’s enthusiasm, as Lek continues.**
Anyway, my mother’s maiden name was Limbwing, she had two brothers, but one was captured by weasels, who had him for dinner.
**Tilt cringes.**
Ya neva tol’ me dat part!
Lekeila: Well, you never asked.
**Zotch continues from there.**
Our other uncle, Joket Yalanne Limbwing, chirp, married Ranikall Alcore Garclaw. Chirp, chirp. And so that’s how the Limbwing’s are related to us, chirp, there are seven Limbwing’s total. Chirp, including Beeshin Lavome Limbwing, also known as ‘Emulous’.
**Tiltainzia stops Zotchcum, and puts in,**
He’s always tryin’ ta be da bes’.
Zotchcum: Yes, please don’t interrupt Tiltzie. Chirp, There’s also Cinkara Velae Limbwing, Fadef Zitlee Keerleg, and Veasht Reed Limbwing, those are some of our cousins, chirp, and then we have a second cousin: Xaeleen Milmp Keerleg, chirp, she’s the daughter of Fadef, and her husband Graikor Hurfay Keerleg. Chirp, chirp. We just call her Exy, because Xaeleen is very difficult to pronounce I think. Chirp.
**Tilt grins.**
Yea, jus’ like ya think Tiltainzia Eena Ingonsail is to ‘ard ta pronounce.
** Lekeila nods.**
I agree with Zotchcum, Tilt-whatever is way to hard, Tiltzie.
**Tilt glares at Leiky.**
Lekeila: Where were we.... oh yes. So, that’s our mother’s side of the family, here’s our father’s side: Our father has two sisters, their names are Unishan Kilm Tikarine, and Quilina Marklin Veak. They married Heaklim Jirnay Tikarine, and Falo Toutchim Veak, who later got sick with salmonella and died. There are nine Tikarine’s and there five Veak’s, The names of our cousins in the Tikarine family are: Doncet Mera Tikarine, Ilikhan Malshik Tikarine, Nakoe Beshkin Tikarine, Ohlound Forsh Tikarine, Salikay Veem Tikarine, Kilta Lemar Tikarine, and then the youngest: Yolana Nella Tikarine, she is only half a season old and everyone calls her Rosy. Everyone likes to call Doncet ‘Timorous’ because he is afraid of just about everything,
**Tiltzie stop’s her.**
Hol’ on der, wot do ya mean Doncet is da one with the nick-name Timorous? Ya’r da fraidy of da family!
Lekeila: I will choose to ignore that comment miss Ingonsail.
**She get’s back to her story.**
Anyway, Ilikhan’s Nick-name is ‘Tiny’.
Tiltzie: Yep, ya guessed it, he is very tiny.
**Lekeila tries in vain to hide a smile, and then goes on.**
Kilta is often called ‘Tartar, because she loves anything that is sour. And then there’s Ohlound, who is called ‘Newsreel’ because he always has something to tell you that he usually thinks is extremely important.
**Tilt interrupts again.**
Ya know, I tink the name ‘Oh Loud, would fit ‘im be’er.
**Lekeila shoves her friend.**
TILT!! Where are your manners? Did you leave them in bed this morning?
**Zotchcum laughs as he adds on to Lek’s question.**
Chirp, maybe you should go get them. Chirp, chirp.
**Tilt looks indignant. Lekeila continues.**
And then Salikay is called ‘Hover’ because she is quite a snoop.
**Zotch grins as Tilt make an excellent imitation of Salikay.**
Tilt: **Blink, blink.** Whacha dooooooin’? **Blink, blink, sniff, sigh.**
Lekeila: And then there’s the Veak’s, their names are: Erikor Janlim Veak, Jalock Till Veak, and then Maltolo Niklime Veak. And there’s also young Wakine Rala Veak, who is one and a half seasons old. Maltolo is usually called ‘Whiplash’, but, that’s a different story.
**Tilt pulls out a pair of carved wooden spectacles, and sits them on her beak, and coughs before speaking in a very deep voice.**
And don’ go an’ for’et ya’r ol’grea’ uncle wal’en dat ya guy’s are al’ays talkin’ about.
**She smiles wickedly as Lekeila scowls at her.**
Leiky: I could never forget our great-uncle, thank you very much! How could I? He gave me my first bag of candied pineapple.
Zotchcum: And Cheerup!
**He holds out his prized pet cricket ‘Cheerup’.**
One minute, Lek, is it time for me to get Talfen, and Great-Uncle Walden?
**Lekeila nods, and Zotchcum hops away. Lekeila turns back to you.**
Okay, now that we’ve told you the names of everyone in our family, Great-Uncle Walden, and Talfen, are going to tell you the most important parts of out history.
**She smiles, as Zotchcum returns with his oldest brother Talfen, and a very old sparrow known as Great-Uncle Walden Lecomae Treespear. Walden flies over to you.**
Hello there youngster. Talfen: Hi there, Kelkel, and Reket wanted me, and Great-Uncle, to tell you a little about how the Treespear’s came to Redwall Abbey, I wasn’t actually around then, but, I’ve heard the story a number of times. Great-Uncle Walden here is going to tell you most of it, but, I’ll tell you the parts that involve me, or any of my cousins, or brothers, or Kelkel.
**Lekeila flaps a wing, trying to get attention.**
Walden: What is it Lekeila?
Lek: I just wanted to tell everyone that ‘Kelkel’ is me, and ‘Reket’ is Zotchcum...........don’t ask.
Talfen: Yes, Uncle, you can take it from here.
**Walden begins, and surprisingly, there were no more interruptions from Tiltainzia.**
It was many seasons ago, when I was just a little one like yourself. Times were difficult for us, with scarcely enough food for our family, my sister died of starvation. My father had a friend hedgehog who told him of a wonderful place. Though he couldn’t recall the name, he told my father that the creatures there were kind to anyone, and that they never turned a peaceful beast away. So, me and my mother, father, and brother went on a search for this wondrous building. We flew all over Mossflower Woods. Finally, we met a young squirrel, she told us she knew of the place we spoke of, and pointed us off in the right direction, telling us that the structure we sought was called Redwall. And so, we went off once more, our spirits renewed. Things went well, until my beloved father became very ill, we stopped at the home of a lonely badger, who was very kind to us. He took care of my father. I do not know what became of my father after that, because he told me and my brother to take care of our mother, and to carry on to Redwall. At last we saw the grand edifice in the distance, we had made it. We settled down for awhile, but, me being a more adventurous sort, I set off. Hoping that maybe I might find my father, but alas, I did not. Though I did find the kindhearted badger, and he told me that my father had recovered and left. So, feeling the sense of knowledge that my father was safe, I decided to travel as far as an eagle can see, I set off, on my second voyage. This time, to nowhere in particular. Meanwhile, my brother Haugire met a lovely young sparrow named Pamira, and they became the grandparents of these clever little sparras.
**He smiled as he rubbed Zotchcum’s head.**
Unfortunately, Pamira died suddenly, and Haugire soon followed leaving Tollane, Unishan, and Quilina as orphans. A season after, I returned home and took them in, and raised them. There you go my little ones, that’s my side of the story. Talfen, why don’t you take on from there?
**Talfen beams.**
With pleasure Uncle! Okaday, as I understand, Kelkel and Reket already told you about the many branches of our family tree, with odd help from Tiller here.
Tiltainzia: Don’t call me Ti’er!
Talfen: I didn’t call you ‘Ti’er’ I called you ‘Tiller’, and don’t interrupt, it’s rude.
**Lekeila goes off into one of her endless giggling fits.**
Zotchcum: Don’t try Tiltzie, it’s no good.
Talfen: You got that right Reket!
**Zotchcum looks at Talfen with a rare expression of irritation.**
Talfen: Can I please continue with no more interruptions? Thank-you. Our Daddy’s history isn’t too interesting. He’s never left Redwall in his life, and his favorite thing to do is very dibbun-like, and he’ll never admit it, but......
**Talfen get’s closer to you and whispers in your ear.**
He likes to raid the strawberry patch. Our mother grew up a small distance from Salamandastron, and came to Redwall with a squirrel friend of hers named Kirelin.And she’s stayed here ever since. My life, and my sibling’s lives have been pretty simple, with an odd occurrences here and there. I’ll tell you of a couple that stick out in my mind, at least the ones that concern Kelkel and Reket. Okay, there’s the time when Kelkel got her first bag of candied pineapple, I remember she was so excited, Uncle brought it back from one of his many voyages. She nibbled the first piece so carefully, and then she ate the rest within a few minutes. Then there’s the time when Uncle brought Reket his pet. Uncle handed Reket a small bag, and a black bug crawled out of it, the cricket wasn’t supposed to be in the bag, but it definitely got more attention then the bag! When Reket at first saw Cheerup, he was scared half to death of it, until we assured him that it was perfectly harmless. Of course there are many, many more tales I would love to tell you, but first comes first. I need to tell you what is most significant. For all of you wondering what happened to Reket’s wing. Sit back and listen. For all of you who already know, feel free to leave.
**Zotchcum smiled and hopped out of the room, closely followed by Lekeila and Walden. Tiltzie was curious, and so she stayed.**
It happened two seasons ago. It started out as a game really, Maltolo was being reckless, and didn’t stop to think, and so a dreadful thing occurred. Zotchcum and Maltolo were flying through some thick trees together, when Maltolo challenged Zotch to a race. Maltolo, is quite the prankster, and he let Zotchcum get ahead until he was out of site. Then, he took a shortcut that went a ways ahead of Zotchcum. He pulled out his string that he was constantly carrying, and he tied it around a flexible tree branch and pulled it back and waited. Zotch soon came around the corner, and Maltolo let go of the branch, it lashed out and struck Zotchcum hard on his left wing, throwing him to the ground. Maltolo looked at the motionless figure of his cousin, and thought that he had killed him. He left, crying on his way home. When he got back to the loft, he tried to act as if nothing had happened, but everyone notice that Zotch wasn’t with him, and they also noticed how on edge he seemed. Something was definitely wrong. Me, Ilikhan, Fadef, and Erikor split up in search of the missing family member. I found him over two hours later, he had managed to drag himself under a nearby rock that was sticking halfway out of the ground, and forming a small shelter. I called Ilikhan, who was over in a jiffy, I told him to hurry and find Fadef and Erikor. We were soon all by Zotchcum’s side, and we helped him home. That is how Zotch lost his ability to fly, lost his dream to be an adventurer like our Great-Uncle Walden, but, all is not lost. He is still as active as ever!
**Tiltainzia looks thoughtful.**
An’ ta tink, I got mad at Maltolo yes’erda’ for not wantin’ ta race wif me.
**Talfen grins, and tackles Tiltzie.**
Get off of me ya brute! HELP!!! Lek, Zotch! Save me!
**Lekeila and Zotchcum hop around the corner to rescue their friend from Talfen.**
Fhew, you shoul’ no’ go leaping on poor help’ess li’le me!
**Tiltainzia dusts herself off.**
Don’ ya guys tink ya should tell them a li’le about yaselves?
**Lekeila nods.**
I love candied pineapple, I like to hop around on my toes, I always wear a red bandana, I have brown eyes, I’m clumsy and I know it,
Tilt: Yea, an’ she very shy!
Zotchcum: I have a pet cricket, chirp, I wear a green velvet vest, chirp, I wish I were a squirrel, chirp, I have blue eyes.
Tilt: An’ he ‘as dat annoyin’ ‘abit of chirping!
**Glare from Zotch to Tilt.**
Zotchcum: Oh yes! One of my favorite things to do is hop around in little circles!
**Lekeila, Tiltainzia, Zotchcum, Talfen, smile and then they all leave.
OOC: Talfen Suenlay Treespear and Walden Lecomae Treespear, are added for this biography, and they are not DAB members.
Lekeila Wind Treespear-Lekeila-Leiky-Lek-Lekka-Kelkel.
Zotchcum Tollane Treespear-Zotchcum-Zotch-Zooty-Zot-Zotchy-Reket. Lekeila,and Zotchcum-The Treespear Siblings-Lieky, and Zotch-Lek and Zotchcum. Tiltainzia Eena Ingonsail-Tiltainzia-Tiltzie-Tilt-Tiltz-Tiller. Leaky, Zotch and Tiltzie- The Treespear Siblings and Tiltzie Ingonsail- Lek, Zotch, and Tilt- Lekeila, Zotchcum, and Tiltzie.
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