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Subject: Along the water's edge

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Date Posted: 23:07:47 11/26/02 Tue
In reply to: T Bird 's message, "Water?" on 22:49:33 11/26/02 Tue

She smiled as the lake came into view. Yes, they'd definetly have to visit again in the summer. She kept T Bird to a slow walk as they proceeded along the farily level beach, looking for a likely spot. Soon they came apo a nice grassy path with a fair sized boulder protruding from the ground. The brunette 'woahed' the mare and dissmounted, pulling the reins over her head so she could hold the ends. She seated herself comfortably on the rock and spent a few moments relaxing.

[Sheesh, this is getting outta hand. *shakes head sadly and hands over a jar of PB* Bed..Go..Now!! *points sternly towards the bedroom* *glances around, looking for reinforcements. Spys a brand spanking new show lead left carelessly on the ground (oh my, how'd that get there? *laughs nervously. sweats bullets*) and picks it up, swaying the clip back and forth, speaking in a slow voice.* Sleep Silver..Sleep..you will go to your bedroom now...you will do the 'sleep thing'...you will wake up tommorrow and watch cartoons...you have tommorrow off remember?..chill...chill...chill...]

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...Chill...T Bird and mostly Silver23:19:52 11/26/02 Tue

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