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Date Posted: 15:10:52 04/06/09 Mon
Author Host/IP: In reply to:
's message, "Persitance, strange answers etc... (ouija boards)" on 11:41:35 01/02/09 Fri
"p.s. no room" Means hell is packed
>Myself and my friend were using an ouija board for the
>first time in a couple of years today, and we would
>like some help figuring some things out if possible!
>Just for a bit of background, myself and my friend
>first started using ouija boards about 4 years ago - a
>year after one of our friends passed away. We were at
>first trying to contact her, then after a while spoke
>with a different spirit and began to contact her after
>that. We did this without any problems for a couple of
>years, then had a bad session which really freaked us
>out - I can't remember the exact details but it just
>wasn't right and we heard some bad stuff that we
>didn't want to hear.
>After that we had a couple of other sessions but
>things didn't seem to work - the glass would just
>whizz off the board, or go round the board in circles,
>or go to each corner...and there was a very
>uncomfortable feeling about it (i've always felt quite
>"in tune" with it and seemed to instinctivley know
>what to do, not sure how) . We used to do this at
>school, and all the bad feeling seemed to happen after
>a change of headmistress, when the place was quite
>unsettled anyway. We got quite freaked out by this
>and stopped using the Ouija board at that point,
>although my friend tried it a year later and managed
>to talk to the second spirit, but she says she didn't
>seem "nice" and that the glass moved very slowly along
>the board.
>Today, after visiting our friends grave and having a
>chat about how to do it safely, we decided to take up
>the ouija board again. I made a new one (I had made
>the original one we used and seemed to have a good
>feeling about it, so I thought I'd do it this time)
>and we generally had a happy, confident feeling about
>it. We managed to get through to our friend, and she
>identified herself with her name and age as she was
>when she passed away, and the age she would have been
>now. She then said the name of a friend of mine, then
>a number of letters that apparently stood for
>something but made no sense, then said "p.s. no room"
>over and over again. When we asked what she meant by
>"ps no room" she just repeated it again, when we asked
>what there was room for, she just said "room". All
>this time, there wasn't a bad, uncomfortable feeling,
>but it was just very very persitant, as if there was
>something urgent to say that she couldn't spell out
>for us. Do you have any ideas what she could mean, or
>what this could mean in general?
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