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Subject: Re: Persitance, strange answers etc... (ouija boards)

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Date Posted: 00:17:33 01/03/09 Sat
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In reply to: Lizzie 's message, "Persitance, strange answers etc... (ouija boards)" on 11:41:35 01/02/09 Fri


First, I must offer a warning to you. You have opened a door to an unknown entity and world. I have yet to meet someone who has played with a ouija board that has come out safe in the end. No one truly knows what they are talking to, FYI. NO matter what anyone tells you, they do not know the absolute truth.

Okay, now on to your concerns. My personal feeling is that you are speaking with a spirit and not one of your friend, nor one of even human nature. I do not know what "p.s. no room" means. I have a feeling it's a hook. Unknown entities try different tactics to get your attention and gain your interest or curiosity. I have seen this before. I have also seen these entities from the ouija board tell people things they think only that person or that person's friend would know. This makes the person believe they are talking with their dead friend's spirit. What we can't see is all around us. Perhaps right now there are even guardian angels and demons watching as I type or as you read.

I always suggest people give up the board and not think about it again, but not all believe in that. I just urge you to be careful. If you want to keep asking what "p.s. no room" means, do so, but cautiously.

By the way, do you believe in God? Allah? Jesus? What exactly is it that you believe in Lizzie. I hope this message helps a little bit.


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Re: Persitance, strange answers etc... (ouija boards)Maximus (INFINITUS EST NUMERUS STULTORUM)15:10:52 04/06/09 Mon

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