Date Posted:08:28:46 03/19/04 Fri Author: Donald Subject: Math is bad. In reply to:
's message, "Experience in Inzeladun" on 06:51:38 03/19/04 Fri
>I know everyone's really into Conan right now, but I
>wanted to throw this idea out and see what everyone
>thinks about it. Please respond. ;)
>What many of you may not know is that we have a house
>rule for lost levels (from being raised from the dead,
>etc.). This is for actuall level loss, not level
>drain. That's different.
>Anyways, here's the formula:
>New XP - NXP
>Current XP - CXP
>Current Level Max - CLM
>New Level Max - NLM
>NXP = (CXP * NLM) / CLM
>For example: Phaidon is a 14th level character and
>currently has 99,490 XP. He dies and is raised again.
>Here's what the values are:
>CXP - 99,490
>NXP - X
>CLM - 105,000
>NLM - 90,000 (I think that's right.)
>X = (99490*90000)/105000
>X = 8954100000/105000
>X = 85277 (rounded down)
>So, Phaidon's new XP is 85,277. He gets to keep his
>abilities, but has to gain experience back to 105,000
>to attain another level.
>Now, for the reason I am posting. Sometimes, we get
>XP awards. 1,000 6,000, etc. But, sometimes Vince
>says "go up a level". I'm proposing that we use the
>same formula when Vince says "go up a level".
>NXP = (CXP * NLM) / CLM
>Using Phaidon again, but going to 15th level, we get:
>X = (99490 * 120000) / 105000
>X = 11938800000 / 105000
>X = 113703 (rounded up)
>So, Phaidon is now 15th level and his Experience
>Points total 113,703 and he's the same distance
>between 15th and 16th as he was between 14th and 15th.
>Another rule I propose in conjunction with this is
>when you "go up a level", you can spend 1/2 of your XP
>for that level on Prestige Races (PrR), crafting
>items, etc.
>So, for Phaidon, we would take his 113,703 and
>subtract the Previous Level Max (PLM) of 105,000 to
>get 8703 and divide that by 2 for a total of 4352
>(rounded up). He can then spend 4,352 (or less) XP on
>things that he can "purchase" with XP. Assuming he
>spent all 4,352 XP, his new XP total would be 109,351
>and he would continue to gain XP from that point.
>Make sense? It's just simple fractional algebra. :)
>Like it? Don't like it? Please comment.
I try to avoid any type of math if I am not at work. Why not just put your experience back where it was so are are at the same level you are supposed to be at and call it good. Other wise you are basically getting a 2 level boost when everyone else only gets one and you are trying to squeeze in prestige races.