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Remembrance, delayed, and recognition -- Daughter of Light, 18:26:44 04/28/03 Mon
As the youth scampered away, the mare suddenly placed her recognition. Lavaterra's son. It had been long since she had last seen Lava... Jesar had been no more than a tiny colt. Did the mare remember? Was she well? She shook away the thoughts as the cause of his flight approaches. She inclined her head respectfully, holding his gaze thoughtfully. When the ice in it began to melt, the delicate damsel raised her head, remaining carefully neutral. The burgandy brute had stolen her from her family and home, but she could not fault him for his nature. Deciding to give him a fair chance, she replied amiably, "I shall try to enjoy my time here, if you would permit it." Upon a realization, she tilted her head slightly, cream tassel falling to one side. "I don't believe I caught your name..." she remarked in inquiry.
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. i . . DoN't . . KnOw . . WhAt . . To . . ThInK . -- . d0g . . s0ldiers ., 02:34:22 04/29/03 Tue