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Date Posted: 23:29:04 01/25/03 Sat
Author: Prism
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Subject: o.o!
In reply to: Roxy 's message, "BWAHA!!!!!! I LURVE YOU!!!!!!" on 23:21:50 01/25/03 Sat

You ate it? lmao, now that's one thing I never would of done XD! I remember once a big moth was hurt, and my mom got out a shoe to kill it because it was all sortsa dying and it looked like it was in pain, and I cried because we couldn't save it >< I always used to cry so easily. I was the type of kid who would check the bird fountain to see if the bugs caught in the water were still alive, and if they were I'd fish them out with a stick because I didn't want them to drown ><. I drove my mom nuts bringing home baby birds that had fallen out of their nests in stuff, and then we'd have to drive them over to the AARK foundation for them to be taken care of, which was like a 45 min drive. Meh. One time I got hold of a baby bluejay that was so young, its feathers were still wrapped up in the little plastic tube thingies so it was kinna half-baldish, and we had to feed it, and it would cuddle with my hand ;.; it was so frickin' cute!! And once there was a full grown bluejay that had fallen into the creek because its collar bone was injured and it couldn't move its one wing- and the thing was trying to swim to the side of the creek! With one wing! And against the current! It was such a determined little dude. But, unfortunatly for poor Louie (they all had names, of course), the AARK couldn't save 'im, and he died ><. He was such a pretty birdy, too.

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