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Date Posted: 23:47:34 01/25/03 Sat
Author: Roxy
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Subject: dude...i swear, we're twins...
In reply to: Prism 's message, "o.o!" on 23:29:04 01/25/03 Sat

Man, i was always bringing in injured animals!!! My ma's terrified of moths, and i'd always save them from the wrath of the shoe...I remember i saw my frist roadkill and cried for WEEKS...i just couldn't fathom the fact that some heartless creep could run over an animal that someone loved ;.;!!! i have successfully dodged at LEAST 20 animals...yes, i will slam on my brakes for squirrels and doves, lol...and i've nearly gotten rear-ended several times in the process...but i could NEVER live with myself if i killed a defenseless animal...

i accidentally shot a squirrel once and was a MESS...i cried for WEEKS...in school even...i seriously remember it as nonstop...but it was an accident...it ran in front of the can ;.;! my aim was too good :(.....

but yeah....i used our garage as a "clinic" for animals...i remember my childhood dreams were i wanted to be a vet, an astronaut, and a racecar driver ^^...but then i found out that you had to dissect cats to be a vet, i couldn't do it o.o;;;;; same reason i couldn't be an optometrist...woot! when i have my own house, i'm gonna have FIFTY MILLION BAJILLION amnimals ^^...i'm gonna be the crazy cat lady at the end of the street, lol XD

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