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Date Posted: 14:25:15 05/16/04 Sun
Author: DarkAngel
Subject: Distant calls bring forth evil
In reply to: Dagger's Rebellion 's message, "Rebel Life In Itself" on 09:20:21 05/15/04 Sat

*She couldn't help to turn that clever smile soft for a moment, blood red eyes turning to an icy blue instantly, signaling that she had put her guard down. she didn't quite know why yet, but she trusted this desperado's soul. and her heart seemed to skip a dark beat in her silky frame, delicate though strong. skull lifted slightly, though she gave a quiet nicker in interest. auds slowed forward, as nails scratched at the earth beneath her, then she steadied. elegant voice trailed out from her lips*

"Well I trust that your position will be seeked with short time desperados soul. you seem worthy perhaps..though that is not my decision. perchance, your heart find its want as well."

*she decided to let him figure out what this meant. it was her way of saying "I fancy you" though she did not speak it, nor would she at the time. the lands of dark were under hard times. being lead protector, and hopefully future beta she had no time to waste with talk. later she would confront desperados soul again, and maybe decide to tell him of her hearts whispers..if the feelings grew stronger..

Vix turned quietely and within few moments had graced down the hill and into the valley, nails for once staying above the earth, in a steady, wind-like speed. she had disappeared into the darkness that she loved, auds pinned in sharp sense for any danger.*

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