Date Posted:17:56:07 05/18/04 Tue Author: Desperado's Soul Subject: *~*Why Don't you COme To your Senses*~* In reply to:
's message, "Distant calls bring forth evil" on 14:25:15 05/16/04 Sun
*~*the brute watched the femm's receeding figure silently pondering over her words for a moment but then stored them to the back of his concious he would ponder those another time. Turned his attention back to the other stud and dipped his head in acknowledgement of his words. he stayed silent for a moment thinnking his words over then steadily stated*~* yes, I suppose those circumstances wuold bring about hard times, but it is how these times are handled and survive that makes the dwelling live's mettle annd fit to be judged in other situations. In short...the hard times try us but they end up makig us stronger for it...well those who live through them *~* Golden eyes watched the brute steadily*~*