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Date Posted: 13:38:27 05/30/04 Sun
Author: Het Vuur
Subject: † Fuego Animado †
In reply to: Firelight 's message, "//fire.hybrid\\" on 01:09:05 05/30/04 Sun

† The fire dancing in his eyes continued to burn, and the blood pumping through his veins coarsed ever faster. His heart was beating very strongly now, whether it was from excitement or nerves. Most likely the former, though there was always a chance of it being the latter, considering his sarcasm was quickly turning into a lie. Too bad for him, it seemed Firelight had not caught the fakey tone in his voice when he'd said that, and the situation was giving the banshee before him the upper hand. His mind was now a traffic jam, loaded with ideas of what he should say next, and also the ponderings of why Firelight was looking at him the way she was.. and.. why was her tail twitching like that?

To the titan, the queen looked like a big cat about to spring upon its prey. He wasn't sure if she actually had found him out or not, or if she was simply being lured into the depths of his manly charm. Het Vuur hoped it was his charm doing its job, he really wouldn't want to have to dig a hole any deeper than he already had. But as he thought over possible comebacks, it seemed he would have to give in to this ferocious mare's appetite. Whatever that meant.. but Het Vuur just simply was nervous and excited and confused and cocky all at the same time, if 'twas possible to be so pandoric.

He snapped out of his realm of foggy thoughts for a moment and looked the she-devil in the eye once more. He could easily spot a flicker in her gaze, though he wasn't sure what intentions she had. He did not back up, however, when she came closer to him. In fact, to keep up his reputation for being an all-mighty, powerful, brutish, and fearless lug, he stepped closer to her as well. As he did, a chill ran down his spine, and his breath started to come out uneven again. He was lusting for her.. though he knew how to have self control, and was succeeding in keeping himself under control, though it was very hard. "If you say so," he replied finally. †

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