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Date Posted: 20:24:12 07/01/04 Thu
Author: Het Vuur
Subject: † Fuego Animado †

† Inky scythes of steel muscle dragged the hessian's carcass back into the 'Greens. Tassle was unmoving and seemingly without life, and torn twin peaks were lolling to both sides, showing Het Vuur's obvious lack of spirit. His black opals were concealed for a moment behind sable lashes, then rolled around in their sockets as they searched for another living being. It seemed, however, alot quieter here than it had been before the raid. The RAID. The titan cringed at the word. He had missed the raid. Dammit, dammit, dammit. Immediately he felt like slautering something, though he had to content himself with stomping both front daggers into the earth, leaving two half moon-shaped dents.

Shaking with anger at himself, he snorted and blew heavily as he heaved himself into a thin pine, causing needles to rain in torrents on top of him. Damn, damn, damn. The obsidian caliph then then out an earth-shaking cry, causing a few nearby birds to burst into startled frenzy. He wasn't done, however, with his temper tantrum. Bellowing, grunting, and neighing with rage, he continually reared up and tore at the tree until he had stripped several layers off the side. Then, realizing that what he just did probably wasn't a good idea, he hurried away from the tree in case it decided to fall over on top of him. He would have hated to die being squashed by a tree in his stupidity.

He halted a hundred feet away or so, and dropped his head to the ground, panting and gasping for breath. Lobes were laid flat against his crania and limbs were shaking under his weight; Het Vuur was shattered from using so much energy. Oh, if only Firelight could have seen him now. She would have died laughing at his foolishness. Firelight.. where was Firelight? Still in the raid, he supposed? But had it actually begun yet? What if it was already over? Then again, if it was over, where was everyone? They couldn't be dead... could they? Those fools, he thought, and felt angry at everyone including himself. But then a thought struck him, and he smiled. Maybe Firelight's mate had perished in the battle.. Or even if he hadn't, he was sure to be in dangerous condition. And then Het Vuur consoled himself with a last thought: If dark.shadow wasn't in pain when he returned to the 'Greens then Het Vuur would make him feel pain. †

[Hmm. I know for sure the raid had begun but has it actually ended yet? And Riley, I dunno if you are back from moving yet but if you are, this is a post letting you know I'm back from MY move. Lol. Coincidental.]

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