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Date Posted: 20:41:16 07/09/04 Fri
Author: Firelight
Subject: .]Hello Hello[.
In reply to: Het Vuur 's message, "† Fuego Animado †" on 20:24:12 07/01/04 Thu

Die laughing, no. Fall into a fit of giggles, perhaps. However she hadn't seen the little display the sahib had put on, lucky him. She was in high spirits and she would have probably begun giggling until she realized he was not in a good mood and then would attempt to hide her mirth. The only sight she caught was that of the obsidian stag with bits of verdant needles scattered in his tassels. The dark chestnut coated belle danced forward twin towers sitting high alert towards the steed. Ebonite banner twitched spiritedly at her hocks as she moved close to him. Muzzle outstretched ivories picking at the pine in his hairs.

"You have pine needles in your mane."
Though she probably didn't look to much better considering the dust covering her hide. The two light marks of blood on her chest, which were actually very painful due to some nasty bruises underneath. Her shoulder also was a tad sore and bruised. Which she attempted to hide as she moved though with each breath there was still an ache of pain through her chest. And as she let out a sigh noticing his anger it turned to a small hiss of pain. The bruising had gone to her ribs and they felt cracked. Luckily though there was no breakage from the surprise attack by Roxie.

She watched Het Vuur carefully as his anger was noted. It was too bad she hadn't got to see him in battle. However if Adrian decided to pay her back for her protection of Tori it would be nice to have some warriors who weren't worn from a recent skirmish.

"You look less then cheerful"

There was a light smirk in her words though not a vile smirk, more of 'I know I'm stating the obvious' kind of smirk. She watched him carefully waiting a reaction from the dark knight.

[I'm not but my dad set up the computer so I can get on every once in awhile.]

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